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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results.
PublikációBak Áron20181116Pages: 587--606

Az ótestamentumi történetek közül Ábrahám áldozata az egyik legismertebb elbeszélés. Az elbeszélés tulajdonképpeni témája a hit próbája. A próbát jelentő gyermekáldozat kérdése nemcsak a kananeita eredetű judaista hagyományban található meg, hanem a görög mitológiában is. A Trója ellen hadra kelt görög sereg nem tud elindulni a szélcsend miatt. Előbb ki kell engesztelniük Artemisz istennőt Iphigeneiának, Agamemnon fővezér lányának feláldozásával. Az apának gyötrődései ellenére is meg kell hoznia ezt az áldozatot a cél érdekében, de a szörnyűség végül mégsem történik meg, mert Artemisz kicseréli a leányt egy szarvassal.

PublikációBardócz Csaba20081013Pages: 268--296

Scout Movement in Transylvania. This study is a presentation about the history of the scout movement in Transylvania. The Hungarian scout movement in Transylvania started in 1911. After that many Hungarian scout team was founded. After 1914, when Transylvania became a part of Romania the Hungarian scout teams joined the Romanian scout association, which was founded in 1914. Between the two world wars the Romanian scout association was under the direct influence of the state. After 1940, when a part of Transylvania was connected to Hungary again, the Hungarian scout movement in Transylvania has also revived. The scout started many kind of good projects. They became a useful part of the society. The centre of the scout movement by that time was Kolozsvár.

PublikációMáthé-Farkas Zoltán20081011Pages: 5--15

Negative Aspects in the Picture about יהוה. Approaches of Three Writers of Old Testament Theology. Different modes of interpretation drive to different conclusions. This study examines these differences in the works by W. Eichrodt, G. von Rad- and W. Brueggemann of Old Testament theology. The two former authors use the historical interpretation, while the third one is the representative of the rhetorical and narrative theology. The theme of Yahweh’s negative aspects is always a stumbling-block not only for laymen, but also for the scholars of theology. Differences deriving from interpretation are illustrated through three biblical examples: the heavenly scenes in 1Kings 22 and Isaiah 6, Saul’s story, and that of the Book of Job.

SzakdolgozatMátis Szidónia2019Pages: 52Supervisor: Kállay Dezső