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Displaying 4801 - 4860 of 5797 results.
ThesisNagy Attila2006Pages: 60Supervisor: Juhász Tamás

ThesisApjok Artur2005Pages: 59Supervisor: Molnár János

ThesisKovács István2005Pages: 49Supervisor: Pásztori-Kupán István

ThesisKiss Szabolcs2009Pages: 48Supervisor: Kállay Dezső

ThesisVajda István Gellért2009Pages: 72Supervisor: Kállay Dezső

ThesisMárkos Hunor Elemér2009Pages: 52Supervisor: Czire Szabolcs

ThesisFerkő Andor2009Pages: 62Supervisor: Buzogány Dezső

ThesisMáthé Lóránd Árpád2009Pages: 40Supervisor: Kállay Dezső

ThesisFülöp Júlia2009Pages: 44Supervisor: Czire Szabolcs

ThesisSzabó Gergely Levente2009Pages: 48Supervisor: Kállay Dezső

ThesisBodor Lídia Emese2009Pages: 60Supervisor: Rezi Elek

ThesisIllyés Sándor2009Pages: 62Supervisor: Kállay Dezső

ThesisCsécs Márton Lőrinc2009Pages: 49Supervisor: Czire Szabolcs

ThesisNagy Brigitta2009Pages: 67Supervisor: Kolumbán Vilmos József

ThesisNagy Norbert2009Pages: 54Supervisor: Buzogány Dezső

ThesisJózsa Ferenc2009Pages: 49Supervisor: Pásztori-Kupán István

ThesisTolnai János Bálint2009Pages: 48Supervisor: Pásztori-Kupán István

ThesisDemeter Csenge2009Pages: 56Supervisor: Kállay Dezső

ThesisMoldovan Radu2008Pages: 44Supervisor: Juhász Tamás

ThesisRácz Imola2008Pages: 52Supervisor: Geréb Zsolt

ThesisSzász Attila2008Pages: 49Supervisor: Kállay Dezső