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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 results.
PublicationBustya Dezső20071003Pages: 506--514

The Problem of Suffering in the Holy Scripture. Suffering is one of the universal problems of mankind. Generally saying, everybody suffers to some extent in a part of his or her life. Corporal suffering has a great influence ont he state of mind, and vice versa. We are searching the reason, the purpose the suffering in human experience, in philosophy and in the same way in the Holy Scripture. In this study the author makes an attempt to lighten the answers of the Bible in the following problems: the different kinds of suffering, the origin and the purpose of it, the problem of the substitute suffering, the Servant of the Lord, the sufferings of Christians and of the Church, the human behaviour under suffering, the blessing of it; the suffering, which leads to death and finally: the suffering in the salvation counsel of God.

ThesisMárkos Hunor Elemér2011Pages: 59Supervisor: Rezi Elek

Dolgozatom két részre osztottam, az első részben beszélek a világi feminizmusról, bemutatom, történelmi sorrendben végig követve fejlődését. A következő rész pedig a feminista mozgalom gyermekéről, a feminista teológiai irányzatról beszélek. Azt már szabadabban kezelem, és arra törekedek hogy, minél átfogóbb képet tudjak a témámról megalkotni.