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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 results.
PublicationBalogh Béla20231164Pages: 388--397

PublicationPásztori-Kupán István20091153Pages: 252--286

PublicationKozma Zsolt2012Pages: 71--83

„Nekem adatott minden hatalom mennyen és földön. Menjetek el tehát, tegyetek tanítvánnyá minden népet…” „Tudjátok, hogy a népek fejedelmei uralkodnak rajtuk, és a nagyok hatalmaskodnak rajtuk. De közöttetek ne így legyen: hanem aki naggyá akar lenni közöttetek, az legyen a szolgátok.” (Mt 28,18b–19a; 20,25b–26) Jézusnak ezek a szavai a népekhez küldött tanítványok számára szolgálatuk biztosítéka, de figyelmeztetés is, hogy nem személyük és nem szavuk hatalmával lesz eredményes munkájuk, hanem a küldő Úr teljhatalmának kiárasztásával. A rangvita zárómondatai nem arról szólnak, hogy a tanítványok között nem lehet helye a nagyság és az elsőség vitájának, hanem arról, hogy ezeket a szolgálat útján keressék. Előttük két magatartási modell van: a népek fejedelmeinek uralkodása és Jézus Krisztus sokakért végzett szolgálata.

PublicationKozma Zsolt2010Pages: 9--59

Magyarázat a Zsid 1-3 fejezeteihez.

PublicationPásztori-Kupán István20081016Pages: 677--699

It is often argued that the sixteenth-century Reformation initiated a chain of events that ultimately led not only to religious pluralism within the body of the Western Christian Church, but also to the rise and dispersion of mutual acceptance among various religious groups. The fact, however, that these two things (i.e. religious pluralism and tolerance) did not emerge directly and immediately (almost as a matter of course) from the Reformation itself, is similarly undeniable. As we shall see below, we have sufficient evidence to claim that although the Reformers – including John Calvin, Theodore Beza and others, with whom this paper is partly concerned – at some point in their lives (mostly in their youth) advocated and invocated the cultivation of the spirit of tolerance, most of them refrained from upholding such positions once their situation as leaders within a newly emerged (both religious and political) community or realm became established.

PublicationKenderesi István20071001Pages: 128--137

The purpose of the Epistle to the Hebrews. In this essay we argue that the particular purpose of Hebrews is obscure for the modern reader. It is clear, that it was addressed to a particular community that needed to be warned not to apostatize, not to turn away from Christianity. But no dogmatic conclusion can be reached on a more precise identification of the danger could consist in. The drift of the argument on the levitical cultus, the exhortations and argumentations from the exposition of so many Old Testament passages would possibly give weight to the theory that the danger was that of relapsing into Judaism, a theory held by numerous scholars. However, this is an inference, though reasonable. But each further step in order to identify the exact form of the apostasy to Judaism will be conjectural.