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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results.
PublicationKurta József Tibor20141071Pages: 94--96

PublicationSomogyi Botond20141075Pages: 573--576

PublicationAdorjáni Zoltán20071002Pages: 408--417

Psalm-singing in the Community of Therapeutae Based on De vita contemplativa by Philo of Alexandria. The Therapeutae’s ascetic devotion is characterized not only by searching the scriptures, meditation and prayer but also by singing of hymns and psalms. Hymns were composed by the principals of the community, they were those who taught the community members to sing them and they continually enriched the hymnal with new ones. The Essenes’ and Therapeutae’s psalm-singing indicates first of all the common Old Testament origin. However these religious communities had different self-identity from that of the normative Jews and this identity required for a special psalm-poetry to be accomplished. The Therapeutae’s psalms remind us of the church psalm-tradition characterized, just like the Essene hymns, by responsive singing and refrains.

PublicationNév Nélkül2006322Pages: 94--102

PublicationKelemen Attila2006321Pages: 3--4

PublicationKelemen Attila2005311Pages: 3--4

PublicationKelemen Attila2004301Pages: 3--4

PublicationAdorjáni Zoltán2001271Pages: 3--4