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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results.
PublicationÉles Éva2023Pages: 69--79

Textele sacre conțin pasaje și revelații care ne poziționează în zona limitelor cunoașterii noastre și ne confruntă cu întrebări inconfortabile. Cât de mult putem înțelege despre acțiunile divine? Când recunoaștem că cunoștințele noastre, hermeneutica noastră meticuloasă, logica noastră bine calibrată și chiar dogmele credinței noastre ating punctul lor final? Un exemplu notabil în acest sens îl reprezintă 1 Petru 3:18–22. De-a lungul istoriei, acest pasaj a fost asociat cu mai multe texte din Noul Testament, iar pentru a înțelege mai bine sensul său original, este necesar să deslușim aceste conexiuni și să ajungem la firul inițial care rămâne distinct și recunoscut în cadrul întregii țesături. În această explorare, ne propunem să urmăm acest fir și să cercetăm posibile interpretări și explicații, pornind de la trei între-bări esențiale: Cine sunt aceste duhuri? Despre ce a predicat Isus în cazul lor? Când a avut loc această întâlnire misterioasă?

PublicationKállay Dezső201910Pages: 7--10

A Kolozsvári Protestáns Teológiai Intézet (KPTI) Kutatóközpontjának most megjelent kötetét a hatvanötödik életévét betöltött dr. Rezi Elek teológiai tanárnak ajánljuk.

PublicationLedán M. István20181115Pages: 484--508

A kutatók többsége korábban amellett érvelt, hogy az 1Pt 3,18–22-ben a szentíró egy Krisztus-himnusz vagy egy keresztelési himnusz elemeit használta fel az 1Tim 3,16, illetve a Fil 2,6–11 mintájára. Többen is megkísérelték rekonstruálni a himnusz szövegét. A legismertebb hipotetikus szöveg Rudolf Bultmann leleménye, aki voltaképpen a levél és főként a szakasz hitvallásszerű vagy annak érzékelt elemeit ollózta össze. Az exegéták a tekintetben maximálisan egyetértenek, hogy a textus rendkívül homályos és problematikus. Minthogy nem világos a kapcsolat a vers tartalma és a közvetlen kontextus között, nehéz eldönteni, hogy mi lehetett a szerzői szándék.

PublicationBuzogány Dezső20131066Pages: 681--694

Franz Bos személyét azért választottuk bemutatásra, mert esetében megtalálható a titkos rendőrség munkamódszerének valamennyi eleme: a szigorú határellenőrzéstől a részletes ügynöki jelentéseken, figyelmeztetésen és a több irányú technikai eszközalkalmazáson át egészen a nyomkövetésig.

PublicationBuzogány Dezső20131062Pages: 208--218

The second half of the 20th century can be characterised by a consolidation of all state structures of the Communist Party. The most important institution in keeping the power was the Secret Police (Securitate), which exercised a strict control over the Churches, including the Hungarian Reformed Church. The Securitate was mostly interested in the foreign contacts of the church. After the Second World War the Reformed Church has kept its contacts with the Reformed Churches in Hungary, as well as with many other Western European churches from the former West Germany, Holland, Switzerland, etc. The Secret Police’s purpose was to gather as many information as possible about the different contacts, and to control the whole issue.

PublicationBuzogány Dezső20131063Pages: 308--319

During the Communist regime, in the sixties of the 20th century, the Protestant Theological Seminary started the student exchange program with churches and institutions from the Western part of Europe, mainly the Dutch Reformed Churches. It was in 1968 when the first Dutch couple came to spend one study year in the Seminary. After them students have been arriving each year until the end of the eighties. Coming from a capitalist, “unfriendly” country, the Dutch students have always been watched at by the Securitate (Secret Police) very carefully. Many informers were recruited from among the Reformed pastors as well as seminary professors to control the whole study process of the foreigners. The documents included into this paper are perfect samples of how the Secret Police usually acted.

PublicationPásztori-Kupán István2004302Pages: 71--85

Amint azt a jelen tanulmány első részében említettem, a Septuaginta Bét-Seánt valóban „a szkíták városának” nevezi (Bír 1,27). Erről a Haag-féle lexikonban ez olvasható: a név „a Ptolemaioszok uralma idején történt veteránletelepítésre (íjászok és lovasok, azaz szkíták, a szó voltaképpeni értelmében) vezethető vissza”.