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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results.
ThesisSzilágyi Alpár2023Pages: 54Supervisor: Koppándi Botond Péter

Humanity is constantly evolving, which exerts a powerful impact on religion and the church as well. The postmodern era, which spread from the second half of the 20th century, presents a new direction that the church must respond to. The research examines how the gospel can be effectively conveyed in the postmodern world, with special consideration for the relationship between youth and the church, as well as the resulting challenges and opportunities. Based on my university studies and experiences, my viewpoint is that postmodern thinking essentially questions traditional values and systems. It emphasizes diversity, relativism, and subjectivism. This new approach shapes people's worldviews and influences their everyday decisions. The central premise of the paper is that the church has long functioned as a proponent of absolute truth and universal values.

PublicationKozma Zsolt2012Pages: 32--37

PublicationKelemen Attila2005314Pages: 171--172

PublicationKelemen Attila2001273Pages: 117--118

PublicationKecskeméthy István1898Pages: 50

1. Az eset. (I. Móz, III, 1—8.)
2. Az első átok az első igéret. (I. Móz. III, 9—24.)
3. Az első jel (I. Móz. VII, 1—16.)
4. A második jel. (IV. Móz. XXI, 4—9.)
5. A Messiás személye. (És. XI, 1—2. és Lili, 2 -7.)
6. A Messiás országa. (És. LXV, 17 —25.)
7. A tizenkettedik órában. (Lukács III, 2—17.)
8. Az utolsó próféta. (Ján. I, 19—29.)
9. Jézus születése. (Lukács II, 1—7)
10. Örömhír. (Lukács II, 8—14.)