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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results.
PublicationVarga Benjámin2022Pages: 19--174

In his 1583 ritual entitled Agendarius, which was innovative in many respects in comparison to its Hungarian predecessors, Bishop Miklós Telegdi of Pécs, the administrator of the diocese of Esztergom, added sample-like sermons to the rituals of the administration of the sacraments accompanying the great turning points of life (viz. baptism, confirmation, wedding etc.). He was presumably guided chiefly by pastoral considerations. For the second edition of 1596 (published after Telegdi’s death), the editors added a second funeral sermon, clearly intended for a more educated, urban audience – judging from the scholarly Latin quotations and the general tone. A comparison of the structure and content of the two speeches provides useful conclusions as to what the ecclesiastical authorities of the time considered advisable to preach at the time of death to mourners lacking basic schooling and what to the more learned audience.

PublicationKató Béla20191121Pages: 98--101

PublicationBogárdi Szabó István20191121Pages: 102--104

PublicationBak Áron20191121Pages: 62--78

Miloš Alexander Bazovský, a szlovák festőművészet egyik kiemelkedő alakja 1950-ben készítette az Ahasvér címet viselő festményét (33,7 × 24 cm). Ez a kép hátulról ábrázol egy emberi alakot, amint vándorbottal a kezében, félvállra vetett kabátjával, fáradtan ugyan, mégis egyenletesen lassú tempóban halad befelé a képen megjelenített tér mélységébe, amelynek végtelenségét a sötét égen világító hold hangsúlyozza.