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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 results.
PublicationSzékely József202415Pages: 219--235

Preaching as an instrument for teaching Christian doctrines. In the last three decades, Transylvanian society and church members have experienced a shift toward secularisation, particularly within the Reformed Church. This trend has made it difficult to engage with younger congregants drifting from organized religion. Despite this, there’s a vital need to re-emphasise Christian teachings, especially considering the current state of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Transylvania, where many lack a deep understanding of biblical and Reformed doctrines. Christian education should be more than just imparting knowledge; it’s about fostering spiritual growth. Ministers, alongside church elders and congregations, should actively teach Christian values, ensuring members develop a strong, knowledgeable faith. Ultimately, faith is more than learning; it’s about a personal connection with God.

PublicationAdorjáni Zoltán2023Pages: 41--49

Rezumând atitudinea terapeuților față de bunăstare, putem constata că această comunitate a ridicat la un nivel atât de înalt valorile spirituale, încât a ignorat absolut tot ce aparține vieții zilnice obișnuite. Ei s-au străduit la înmulțirea bo-găției înțelepciunii (par. 16–17, 20) și a valorilor spirituale. În rândul acestei co-munități meditațiile asupra Sfintelor Scripturi, a cărților sfinte proprii, precum și asupra înțelepciunii dumnezeiești (par. 1, 28–30, 67) sunt absolut primordiale, din care rezultă retragerea din lume și disprețuirea totală a bogăției pământești.

PublicationZamfir Korinna2021Pages: 722--732

Allegorikus bibliamagyarázata keretében Alexandriai Philón néhány alkalommal az Isten emberét állítja az olvasó elé. Az ἄνθρωπος [τοῦ] θεοῦ megnevezés megtalálható a Septuaginta jó néhány szövegében, többnyire próféták, illetve olyan jeles bibliai alakok jelölésére, mint Mózes vagy Dávid. Philón azonban kevés alkalommal támaszkodik ezekre a szakaszokra, minden bizonnyal azért, mert a Pentateuchost magyarázza, miközben az „Isten embere” cím főleg a deuteronomisztikus és a krónikás történeti műben fordul elő. Ugyanakkor néha érintőlegesen utalást tesz ezekre a szövegekre is. Azonban az allegorikus-etikai magyarázat keretében és a platóni–sztoikus filozófiai eszmék hatására Philónnál a fogalom új jelentésekkel bővül. A következőkben röviden áttekintem az „Isten embere” fogalom használatát a Septuagintában. Ezt követően rátérek néhány philóni szövegre, ahol az ἄνθρωπος θεοῦ fogalom szerepel, és megvizsgálom annak jelentéseit.

PublicationKelemen Attila20145Pages: 279--290

PublicationSawyer, Frank20123Pages: 179--198

In this article we shortly introduce T. S. Eliot, noting some major themes he addresses, particularly in relation to religious faith and the search for meaning in life. In the second and third sections our article concentrates on the 1934 church pageant, called ‘The Rock’. This drama was only published once and is hard to find. However, the poetry Eliot included in the drama, called ‘Choruses from The Rock’, have been reprinted and included in various volumes so that these are readily available. But among those people who have read some or all of the ten Choruses from The Rock, very few have ever found a copy of the play in which these poems were situated.1 We present quotations from the ten choruses, with a few annotations at times concerning the context. In the fourth section we look at various aspects of Eliot’s Christology as found in The Rock.

PublicationAdorjáni Zoltán20151084Pages: 359--370

Ebben a jellemzésben is felfedezhetjük, hogy a törvény szerinti élet, a földi javak megvetése és az elkülönülés, valamint az Istennek szolgáló életvitel együvé tartoznak. A papi, elit jellegű terapeuta létmód pedig az Istenhez menekülés sajátos formája.

PublicationAdorjáni Zoltán20071002Pages: 408--417

Psalm-singing in the Community of Therapeutae Based on De vita contemplativa by Philo of Alexandria. The Therapeutae’s ascetic devotion is characterized not only by searching the scriptures, meditation and prayer but also by singing of hymns and psalms. Hymns were composed by the principals of the community, they were those who taught the community members to sing them and they continually enriched the hymnal with new ones. The Essenes’ and Therapeutae’s psalm-singing indicates first of all the common Old Testament origin. However these religious communities had different self-identity from that of the normative Jews and this identity required for a special psalm-poetry to be accomplished. The Therapeutae’s psalms remind us of the church psalm-tradition characterized, just like the Essene hymns, by responsive singing and refrains.