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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 results.
PublikációGorbai Gabriella Márta20071002Pages: 278--321

The role of group work in teacher education. This essay deals with the role and importance of psychological group work with special regard to teachers’ professional development. In the last few decades a new view of the way teachers should be educated emerged, in which more attention was directed towards the person of the teacher. The real self image and self-knowledge is important for religion teachers when we take into account that they are especially expected to be empathic, authentic and able to accept the others. After we had investigated that the actual curriculum of the Faculty for Teachers of Religion provides hardly any programmes which aim to develop students’ selfknowledge, we tried to work out a programme which would help the healthy development of students’ personal and professional self.

SzakdolgozatMárkos Hunor Elemér2011Pages: 59Supervisor: Rezi Elek

Dolgozatom két részre osztottam, az első részben beszélek a világi feminizmusról, bemutatom, történelmi sorrendben végig követve fejlődését. A következő rész pedig a feminista mozgalom gyermekéről, a feminista teológiai irányzatról beszélek. Azt már szabadabban kezelem, és arra törekedek hogy, minél átfogóbb képet tudjak a témámról megalkotni.

SzakdolgozatMárkos Hunor Elemér2009Pages: 52Supervisor: Czire Szabolcs