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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results.
PublikációGeréb Zsolt2021Pages: 266--274

The present study deals with the characteristic features of the ministry of teachers in the early church, contrasting them with the rabbis in the synagogues. As charismatic characters in the early church, teachers have played a role compa-rable to that of the apostles and prophets. In a different order of ideas, we would like to investigate whether the competence of charismatic teachers should be considered universal, or whether they played a rather local administrative role in the way bishops, deacons and presbyters did. At the same time, we shall analyse the content of their teaching aiming to define the place of teachers within the early church. We shall conclude with remarks concerning the development of the teachers’ status in the post-Pauline period.

PublikációKató Szabolcs Ferencz2020764Pages: 1--7

In the past decades, research has raised the idea of a theology of the Septuagint (LXX) on various occasions. Important works were recently published on this topic in the Handbuch zur Septuaginta and the Septuagint and Cognate Studies series. The general theological tendencies of the LXX are identified by scholars in eschatology, messianism, anti-anthropomorphism and angelology. These tend to all be regarded as further developments of the theology of the Hebrew Bible (HB). However, one can trace the evolution of these and other main topics of the LXX in the New Testament (NT) and in the later apostolic writings as well. Based on three concise case studies, I point out the evolution of theological ideas from the HB through the LXX up to the NT in this paper.

SzakdolgozatPop Péter Ádám2016Pages: 49Supervisor: Buzogány Dezső

Báthory Gábornak az egyházpolitikája, tulajdonképpen a Báthoryak egyházpolitikájának a folytatása. Először is azt fogom megnézni, hogy milyen volt az egyházi helyzet, amikor Báthory Gábor trónra került, és hogy ezután pedig ő maga mit tett egyháza helyzetéért, akár közvetlen vagy közvetett módon. Mindezt négy téma kidolgozásában fogom tárgyalni. Első a kolozsvári református eklézsia, a második a Szilágyságban hozott rendelkezése, harmadik Foktűi Máté, a hajdúk református papja és a hajdúk viszonya Báthory Gáborhoz, a negyedik pedig az Ágostai hitvallású evangélikus egyház létrejötte Magyarországon és Erdélyben.