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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results.
PublikációBalogh Csaba20091211Pages: 48--69

This article argues that Isa 29,15-24 is composed of five coherent segments. The early Isaianic word, 29,15+21, was reinterpreted in a new way by an exilic author in 29,16-17+20. The presupposed blindness of Yhwh serving as a motivation for an ungodly life by those addressed in 29,15, is reconsidered as the ideology of desperate people who deem the blindness of Yhwh explains the present desolate condition of Jerusalem. The former injustice in Isaiah's society (29,21) is reinterpreted as the injustice of the foreign tyrant against the people of Yhwh. Isa 29,18+24 (the blindness of the people) and 29,19+23d-e (the oppressed Yhwh-fearing people) elaborate on the same theme in a larger context and presuppose a similar situation and author as implied by 29,16-17+21, probably to be identified with Deutero-Isaiah.

PublikációBusch, Eberhard20123Pages: 131--142

PublikációKovács Ábrahám20091022Pages: 214--221

The purpose of this study is twofold. First, it sets the historical context in which Aphrahat wrote his Demonstrations and deals with the interesting relationship between his writings, ‘against the Jews’ and the Sassanian persecution of Christians. It also treats his refutation of the Jewish charges. Secondly, it addresses his ‘unique’ view of christology which is not in line with the Nicene decision concerning one aspect yet at the same time it is congruent with it. The paper also tries to point out that his view on christology was ‘unique’ but not exceptional in the Early Church.

SzakdolgozatCsiszér Norbert Loránd2012Pages: 56Supervisor: Kiss Jenő

A 20. század gyakorlati teológiai szakirodalma nagyon keveset foglalkozott az euchológiával és azon belül a bűnvalló imádsággal. Pedig mind istentiszteleti, mind magán imádságaink fontos szerepet játszanak az Istennel való kapcsolatunk ápolásában, különösen a bűnvalló imádság.