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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 results.
PublikációSzékely József2023Pages: 149--159

În cartea sa Biografie van de dominee, teologul practic olandez Heitink dedica un capitol special dezvoltării oficiului pastoral protestant. El se întreabă când a apărut pastorul protestant așa cum îl cunoaștem astăzi în istoria bisericii. Răspunsul la această întrebare ne duce înapoi în secolul al XVI-lea. În istoria Reformei, acesta este momentul când apare pastorul, însă nu ca preot hirotonit din sânul clerului, ci ca laic. Potrivit doctrinei reformate, membrii comunității lui Dumnezeu ocupă diverse oficii, iar în vârful acestora se află funcția de pastor. Comunitatea alege anumite persoane pentru această funcție după ce a constatat că aceștia au darurile necesare de la Dumnezeu pentru această slujire. Heitink consideră că, într-un timp relativ scurt după implementarea oficiului pastoral, pastorul a devenit un funcționar bisericesc. Această funcție, fie ea laică sau ecleziastică, a crescut în importanță de-a lungul timpului.

PublikációKocsev Miklós20221155Pages: 499--510

A hitelesség – mint létforma – az elmúlt évek egyik meghatározó területe a lelkipásztor életének. Az előadás témája a hitelesség kapcsán három irányba kíván vezetni. Ezek a következők: hitelesség az Igéhez, a szervezethez és a lelkésznek önmagához. Az tartalmát illetően előadás inkább egy szakmai életút tapasztalatainak összefoglalása, mint tudományos munka, és lehetőséget kínál saját emberi és hivatásbeli hitelességünk végigggondolására.

PublikációPásztori-Kupán István2007Pages: 242

I invite the reader to take a journey into the theological world of two little treatises written by one of the most interesting ecclesiastical figures of the fifth century coming from the Antiochene tradition: Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus.

PublikációLedán M. István20171102Pages: 145--164

Jung egy ízben a következő zavarba hozó kérdést tette fel: „Ha egy teológus tényleg hisz Istenben, milyen hatalom nevében állítja, hogy Isten nem képes az álmok útján szólni?” Csakugyan, állítható-e komolyan, hogy Isten ma is feddhet, inthet, buzdíthat az álmok által? Érdemes-e odafigyelni álmainkra, vagy az teszi jól, aki reggelre – mint az éjszaka ki tudja, honnan előbugyogó zagyvaságait – elfelejti ezeket? Továbbá: segítenek-e az álmok az élet válsághelyzeteiben, például a gyász feldolgozásában? Ebben a tanulmányban sok álompéldával – köztük személyesekkel is – a téma klasszikusaira és természetesen a Szentírásra támaszkodva, ezekre a kérdésekre igyekszünk választ találni.

PublikációKulcsár Árpád20201135Pages: 523--528

Ford. Fazakas Enikő, Kovács Zoltán, Kun Lajos, Némedi Gusztáv, Oláh Attila. A Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem Gyakorlati Teológiai Tanszéke, Debrecen 2001, 132. old.

PublikációKovács Ábrahám20091022Pages: 214--221

The purpose of this study is twofold. First, it sets the historical context in which Aphrahat wrote his Demonstrations and deals with the interesting relationship between his writings, ‘against the Jews’ and the Sassanian persecution of Christians. It also treats his refutation of the Jewish charges. Secondly, it addresses his ‘unique’ view of christology which is not in line with the Nicene decision concerning one aspect yet at the same time it is congruent with it. The paper also tries to point out that his view on christology was ‘unique’ but not exceptional in the Early Church.

PublikációBancea Gábor20071001Pages: 45--68

Canaanite Abominations as Presented in the Book of Deuteronomy. A Theological Evaluation. Before entering in the Promised Land the people of Israel were told not to follow the forbidden practices of the polytheistic nations (Deut 18, 9–14), to avoid all kinds of magical and superstitious practices designed to discover the will of gods, or even to compel the gods to action in certain ways. The occult, superstitions, divinisation, sorcery, spiritualism were abominations all to Yahweh and brought about His judgment. Yahweh made His will known through revelation, by the aid of His prophets, whose words would be clearly understandable to the people in contrast with the ambiguous and mysterious spells of those who worked with magic and divinisation. Israel must be blameless in regard to every form of divinisation, magic or spiritism.