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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results.
PublikációCzire Szabolcs202415Pages: 75--87

Apostle Paul and the Scriptures. An overview of current research and the price of progress. Among Dezső Kállay's biblical studies, the letters of the apostle Paul appear with special emphasis. Paul’s interpretation of the Scriptures was deeply rooted in the active Scriptural tradition of his era, not isolated in hermeneutical vacuum. The Scriptures represented not just the written text but also its interpretation, thus the Israelites’ faith was likened to both a solid foundation and spiritual sustenance, as they “drank from the spiritual rock” (1 Cor 10:4). This study aims to map the key research trajectories concerning Paul’s citations of the Bible. It begins by addressing fundamental issues within accepted consensuses, then evaluates the current state of research, informed by the six-year efforts of the Paul and Scripture Seminar under the Society of Biblical Literature and its two resultant publications. We may conclude that we know more and less at the same time.

PublikációVarga Réka2022Pages: 77--86

The Disputation of Pécs (Pécsi Disputa) by György Válaszúti is a unique segment of 16th-century antitrinitarian literature. Since pécs was occupied by the Ottoman empire, Christians had to live by strict rules. They had to live outside the city walls, and they could only use one church. The dispute is a chronicle of a religious debate between the reformed citizens of tolna and the antitrinitarian citizens of Pécs.

PublikációBalázs Mihály2022Pages: 9--26

In this study, I examine the works of ars praedicandi as used by the Unitarians. The paper focuses on the Unitarian use of the works of Bartholomaeus Keckermann, who attributed an important role to the exordium. The paper further registers an 18th-century Unitarian reader of Keckermann’s rhetoric, found in a composite volume in the Library of the Cluj-Napoca Branch of the Romanian Academy. This work’s earlier impact can also be studied in a Unitarian manuscript revision created as early as in 1653. There is another Unitarian work (Ms. U. 262) on sermon making from this period, a part of which contains examples of exordiums, that is, introductory parts of sermons. Based on all this, I argue that the exordiums were handled much more leniently by the Unitarians than by other Reformed denominations, and that from the late Renaissance to the 18th century, Unitarians were practitioners of a rather traditional type of preaching.

SzakdolgozatDemény Zita Ágnes2013Pages: 52Supervisor: Koppándi Botond Péter

Mit is jelent a segítő beszélgetés és hogyan kell azt alkalmazni? Mit jelent a gyülekezeti lelkigondozás és miért fontos ez? Ahhoz, hogy a lelkész segítő beszélgetést folytasson, lelkigondozást végezzen szükséges-e a mentálhigiénés szakosodás, pszichológiai végzettség? A dolgozat kutatása, megírása alatt végig arra törekedtem, hogy az imént feltett kérdésekre megtaláljam a választ.