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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results.
PublikációKavecsánszki Máté2022Pages: 221--239

The study of the historicity and change processes of dance culture requires a specific theoretical methodology in dance anthropology and dance folklore studies, especially since such research has been relatively rare in the Hungarian anthropological scene and has produced a number of questionable results in the field of dance folklore studies. several aspects of an anthropological approach, as well as adopting a comparative and interpretive approach to critical dance studies can assist in deploying a historical perspective in the examination of dance culture. On the other hand, I will also argue that certain schools of the research methodology of social history may facilitate this as well. Utilizing the findings of new social history can also greatly enrich the current methodology of historical dance research.

PublikációBalogh Csaba2012102Pages: 147--176

According to Gen 1, the “classical” story of the origin of humanity, God began and finished the creation of man on the sixth day. In this view, creation is a one-time divine act dated to the dawn of history. Psalm 139,13-16 provides an alternative concept regarding human origins. The ideas permeating this Psalm are less widespread in the Bible, and they were far less influential for later theological works than the classical biblical accounts of creation. Nonetheless, these anthropological notions appear to be firmly rooted in folk religion. Making lavish use of motifs familiar from ancient Near Eastern mythological texts, the poem considers that a divine act of creation is performed in the process of birth of every individual. In contrast to the historicising interpretations of Gen 1-2, this text emphasises the personal character of creation. The present study examines the philological problems in Ps 139,13-16, as well as the Near Eastern background of its language.

PublikációBak Áron20191123Pages: 309--312

Révai kis lexikona 1936-ban közölte Edvard Munch Az élet tánca című festményének fekete-fehér reprodukcióját a modern külföldi festők mellékletében. A „tánc” magyar szavunk német közvetítéssel honosodott meg nyelvünkben. Jelentése: a zene hangjaira ritmikusan mozogni, ugrálni, könynyedén  és gyorsan forogni. Az ókorban azt a körtáncot jelentette, amelyben a nők vagy férfiak összefogózva körben forognak. Ez a tánc az örömöt fejezte ki. Témája már az ókortól ismert a képzőművészetben, amint azt a Kr. e. 4–5. századból származó Táncoló peucetiai nők című falfestmény is bizonyítja az olaszországi Ruvo di Puglia (Bari megye) táncosainak sírján.