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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 results.
PublikációSzűcs Bernadett, Papp György202112Pages: 77--104

Valentinus and His Teaching in the Light of Modern Research and Ancient Christian Heresiology -- The first part of this paper contains a summary of the life and teachings of Valentinus written by Bernadett Szűcs, in which the author sketches the most important aspects of this complex topic based on the early Christian primary sources harmonized with the state of the modern research. As an appendix to this introduction, the second part of this paper, written by György Papp contains the first Hungarian translation (accompanied by the original Greek text from the recently published critical edition) of one of the primary sources with a short introduction, to the text: the chapter about Valentinus in the Haereticarum fabularum compendium of Theodoret of Cyrus.

PublikációCzire Szabolcs20156Pages: 7--30

A minák, illetve talentumok példázata Istenről, illetve a mennyek országáról szól. De vajon ez kötelezően azt is jelenti, hogy Istenről is szól? Vajon a nemes ember, aki azt mondja magáról, hogy könyörtelen ember, mert behajtja azt is, amit nem fektetett be, és learatja azt is, amit nem vetett el, tényleg Istenre vonatkoztatandó allegorikusan? A példázatok jelenlegi kontextusát az evangéliumok eszkatologikus példázatai képezik, főként Máté evangéliuma esetében. De hogyan változik a példázatok olvasata, ha azokat az 1. század 30-as éveinek galileai paraszti társadalmának összefüggésében halljuk? Hát akkor, ha azokat Máté evangéliumának szegényekre és elnyomottakra néző anyagának kontextusában látjuk, ahol nem lehet egyszerre két urat szolgálni: mammont (pénzt) és Istent, profitot és Isten országát?

PublikációSawyer, Frank20123Pages: 179--198

In this article we shortly introduce T. S. Eliot, noting some major themes he addresses, particularly in relation to religious faith and the search for meaning in life. In the second and third sections our article concentrates on the 1934 church pageant, called ‘The Rock’. This drama was only published once and is hard to find. However, the poetry Eliot included in the drama, called ‘Choruses from The Rock’, have been reprinted and included in various volumes so that these are readily available. But among those people who have read some or all of the ten Choruses from The Rock, very few have ever found a copy of the play in which these poems were situated.1 We present quotations from the ten choruses, with a few annotations at times concerning the context. In the fourth section we look at various aspects of Eliot’s Christology as found in The Rock.