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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results.
PublikációLenyó Orsolya2022Pages: 123--158

Miklós Telegdi, a Roman Catholic bishop of the reformation period, was an important figure of his generation. The confessional guide of his Agendarius, first published in 1583 in nagyszombat (Trnava, now in Slovakia), is particular as to its structure and content. in Hungary, this is the first penitential guide that was written in a unique style, including vernacular parts and containing exhortations in a large number. The confessional includes a text discussing the strict obligation on the seal of confession as well as a confession mirror which, according to its genre, is a tool of individual self-examination. In my paper, I attempt to answer the question whether Telegdi’s confessional guide is only unique from a national point of view or also in a wider, international context.

PublikációKozma Zsolt2012Pages: 32--37

PublikációKelemen Attila2005314Pages: 171--172

PublikációKelemen Attila2001273Pages: 117--118

PublikációKecskeméthy István1898Pages: 50

1. Az eset. (I. Móz, III, 1—8.)
2. Az első átok az első igéret. (I. Móz. III, 9—24.)
3. Az első jel (I. Móz. VII, 1—16.)
4. A második jel. (IV. Móz. XXI, 4—9.)
5. A Messiás személye. (És. XI, 1—2. és Lili, 2 -7.)
6. A Messiás országa. (És. LXV, 17 —25.)
7. A tizenkettedik órában. (Lukács III, 2—17.)
8. Az utolsó próféta. (Ján. I, 19—29.)
9. Jézus születése. (Lukács II, 1—7)
10. Örömhír. (Lukács II, 8—14.)