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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results.
PublikációKolumbán Vilmos József202415Pages: 381--395

The text above is the Regulations of the Reformed College Teachers drawn up in 1786 by the board of the College of Kolozsvár (Cluj). The 1780s heralded the era of educational reform, marked by the Habsburg Empire’s ruler mandating a centralisation of the educational system. In response, the Reformed Church of Transylvania embarked on an extensive overhaul of its collegiate structure and public education. These regulations were distinctive, echoing the spiritual heritage bequeathed by nobility and monarchs. Notably, they were exclusively designed for the youth of noble lineage, which likely led to their limited application.

PublikációŐsz Sándor Előd202415Pages: 367--380

Works of Protestant reformers in the collections of the Lutheran High School in Mediaș. Since 2018, our research has been conducted in the historical libraries of Transylvania, focusing on the works of fifteen Western European Protestant theologians, known as reformers, who were active in the 16th century. At the Lutheran Gymnasium library in Mediaș, we discovered 58 theological texts by these authors. This number is representative of the average size of the collections we have examined. Notably, three-quarters of the works we reviewed are attributed to just three of these authors: 19 works by Melanchthon, 16 by Calvin and 10 by Luther. The number of writings by the other authors is much smaller: 4 from Musculus, 3–3 from Aretius and Brenz, and 1–1 from Bèze, Chyträus and Zanchi. Almost three quarters of these publications, 43 in all, were brought to the Carpathian Basin before 1601, mostly in the second half of the 16th century.

PublikációBiró István20231162Pages: 182--211

Az erdélyi református egyház a trianoni békeszerződés után egy teljesen új, addig soha nem tapasztalt helyzetben találta megát. Az impériumváltást követő években azonban elindult egy eszmei útkeresés nemcsak az irodalom és a közélet terén, hanem az egyház életében is. Az erdélyi magyar értelmiség ezen útkereséséhez jelentős mértékben hozzájárultak a korabeli református egyház vezetői, teológiai tanárai és lelkipásztorai, akiknek elmélkedéseik, gondolataik ma is jelentős tartalommal és hatással bírnak. Jelen tanulmány célja az volt, hogy feltárja ezeket az 1920 és 1944 között megjelent kiadványokat egy eszme- és egyháztörténeti keretbe foglalva és időrend szerint ismertesse a korabeli református értelmiség nemzetszemléletét.

PublikációKovács Sándor2018Pages: 11--11

PublikációPásztori-Kupán István20081016Pages: 677--699

It is often argued that the sixteenth-century Reformation initiated a chain of events that ultimately led not only to religious pluralism within the body of the Western Christian Church, but also to the rise and dispersion of mutual acceptance among various religious groups. The fact, however, that these two things (i.e. religious pluralism and tolerance) did not emerge directly and immediately (almost as a matter of course) from the Reformation itself, is similarly undeniable. As we shall see below, we have sufficient evidence to claim that although the Reformers – including John Calvin, Theodore Beza and others, with whom this paper is partly concerned – at some point in their lives (mostly in their youth) advocated and invocated the cultivation of the spirit of tolerance, most of them refrained from upholding such positions once their situation as leaders within a newly emerged (both religious and political) community or realm became established.