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Displaying 1 - 36 of 36 results.
ThesisVitus István2007Pages: 85Supervisor: Pásztori-Kupán István

ThesisNagy Zsolt Zsigmond2007Pages: 58Supervisor: Kállay Dezső

ThesisDeák Bálint Sándor2007Pages: 43Supervisor: Kovács László Attila

ThesisNagy Albert2007Pages: 52Supervisor: Geréb Zsolt

ThesisVarró Amália2007Pages: 55Supervisor: Rezi Elek

ThesisRátoni Csaba2007Pages: 94Supervisor: Molnár János

ThesisGeréb Miklós2007Pages: 58Supervisor: Pásztori-Kupán István

ThesisRuszka Sándor József2007Pages: 47Supervisor: Pásztori-Kupán István

ThesisCsenteri Levente2007Pages: 51Supervisor: Kállay Dezső

ThesisPap Ákos2007Pages: 48Supervisor: Pásztori-Kupán István

ThesisTorzsa Tamás2007Pages: 53Supervisor: Kovács László Attila

ThesisArkosi Emese Erzsébet2007Pages: 68Supervisor: Kovács Sándor