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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results.
PublicationKovács Sándor2023Pages: 135--145

Acest scurt studiu aduce în atenție evoluția predării și practicii muzicale în cadrul colegiului unitarian din Cluj în perioada secolelor XVI–XIX. De la interdicția instrumentelor muzicale și a cântatului indecent la permisiunea treptată a practicii muzicale în incinta colegiului și introducerea predării muzicii, evoluția reflectă schimbările sociale și culturale din acele vremuri. Muzica a devenit, în cele din urmă, o parte acceptată și chiar integrată în viața colegiului, marcând o tranziție importantă în percepția și practica muzicală în colegiul unitarian din Cluj și comunitatea unitariană din Transilvania.

PublicationPapp György2021Pages: 99--118

This paper is an expanded and somewhat more elaborated version of an earlier study in which I tried to give a general overview on the word-usage concerning the passion of Jesus Christ in the early Christian creeds. The purpose of this short paper is in part to give a comparative presentation of the sufferings of Lord Jesus Christ in the Western Creeds, and in part I also try to define the role of mentioning the name of Pontius Pilatus in them.

PublicationRévész Imre1970Pages: 109--123

A genfi Tanító már halálosan beteg volt 1564 áprilisában, amikor a nagyenyedi hitvitázó zsinaton megalakult Erdély református egyháza. A nagy haldoklónak azok közül a népek közül, amelyeknek kebelében az ö földi élete folyamán számottevő református egyház alakult vagy kezdett alakulni, körülbelül a magyarsággal volt a legcsekélyebb személyes összeköttetése. Ennek a végzetszerüségnek messze kiható következményei voltak, amelyek nem egy tekintetben még ma is fennállanak. Megkapó kárpótlásul a személyes összeköttetés hiányáért, a dolgok különös és mélyértelmü összetalálkozása folytán, az történt, hogy a földi küzdelmek világából búcsúzkodó Kálvin az erdélyi magyarság református egyházának bölcsője felett mégis hallatta tiszta és hatalmas szavát.

PublicationPapp György20081016Pages: 700--708

In this short paper I would like to provide a comparative analysis of the passages concerning the passion of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Early Christian confessions (among them the Apostolic Creed1 as well), because these passages are frequently the source of theological misunderstanding and debates. The main question which urged me to do this research had occurred in relation with the Apostolic Creed. How do we say correctly: ‘I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell…’ or ‘I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered, under Pontius Pilate He was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell…’? I shall try to answer this question by analysing the relevant passages of the creeds which were composed in the first six centuries.