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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 results.
PublicationPapp György2021Pages: 172

This volume contains selected papers from the broader field of History of Christian Doctrines, and more specifically from Patristics and Reformation studies, but also from the border between them. Most of them were written in the academic year 2014-2015, during my MA studies in the field of Patristics at the Theological University of the (vrijgemaakt) Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, in Kampen. The main topic of the MA programme was the Baptism in the Early Church, therefore the most of these papers presents various aspects of this question. In the following few paragraphs I will present short summary of each paper from this volume.

PublicationBuzogány Dezső20211146Pages: 721--722

PublicationPap Géza20161091Pages: 109--111

PublicationKató Béla20161091Pages: 111--113

PublicationOrbán Viktor20161091Pages: 113--115

PublicationAdorjáni Zoltán20161091Pages: 115--117

PublicationKovács Sándor20161091Pages: 117--118

PublicationAdorjáni Zoltán20161092Pages: 229--231

PublicationRüetschi Kurt Jakob20161094Pages: 434--435

Kurt Jakob Rüetschi megemlékezik Tőkés István református teológusról.

PublicationJuhász Tamás20171102Pages: 225--229

PublicationÁgoston Csaba20171103Pages: 335--336

PublicationSzűcs Ferenc20171104Pages: 449--451

PublicationJuhász Tamás20191121Pages: 79--82