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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results.
PublikációMaczák Ibolya2022Pages: 175--184

Although István Beythe (1532-1612) is usually remembered for his botanical works, his main achievement is his four-part sermon collection (Németújvár, 1584). The first volume contains the Sunday gospels, the second the apostolic epistles he based his lessons on, the third includes excerpts from the Gospel used on feast days of the saints, and the fourth the explanation of the epistles dedicated to the main holidays. My study is about the genre and structural characteristics of these writings, with special emphasis on the denominational lessons of the book on the feasts of the saints.

PublikációKolumbán Judit20181116Pages: 678--690

The idea of moving the theological education from Nagyenyed/Aiud to Kolozsvár/Cluj was born in the middle of the 19th century. Domokos Szász, former reformed priest from Kolozsvár/Cluj, and from 1885 bishop of the Transylvanian Reformed Church, was the most prominent supporter of founding the new centre of theological training in Kolozsvár/Cluj. After long debates and preparations, the construction of the new theological institute was completed in 1895. The current study presents the press debates around this event, offering an insight into press articles published in Kolozsvár/Cluj, concentrating mainly on the Erdélyi Híradó (Transylvanian News) a newspaper supporting the party opposing the moving of the theological training to Kolozsvár/Cluj. These articles throw light on the diverging positions regarding this event.

PublikációJuhász István1947Pages: 174

PublikációJuhász István1940Pages: 278

A megbékélés keresése eredménytelen volt, a harc pedig részben célt ért és hisszük, hogy további részében is diadalt hoz. Kelet-Magyarország, északi és keleti Erdély újra magyar! A románokkal szembeni magatartásunk visszatérhet azokhoz az ősi alapokhoz, amelyeket a nemzetiségi kérdésre nézve általánosságban István király Intelmei jelöltek ki és amelyeket Erdélyben Bethlen Gábor országépítő politikája valósított meg. Ez az ősi út az egyetlen helyes magatartás.