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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results.
SzakdolgozatKarácsonyi József-Lehel2023Pages: 72Supervisor: Czire Szabolcs

The thesis highlights the complex role of the masses in the New Testament. The synoptic tradition, namely Matthew, Mark, and Luke, depict the masses differently. Matthew is more sympathetic, while Luke maintains distance, portraying Jesus as a friend to the poor and oppressed. The analysis of three Greek words, all translated as 'masses' in English: 'πολλοί', 'λαός', and 'ὄχλος', is particularly important. 'πολλοί' is a general term for any large group, not just people. Luke uses it most frequently, while Matthew does not use it at all, indicating that for Matthew, people mean more than just numbers. 'λαός' in the Septuagint usually refers to the nation of Israel. Matthew, with a Hebrew mindset, uses 'λαός' in this sense, and does not equate it with 'ὄχλος', which means an anonymous crowd. The author points out that Matthew carefully chose his words, and this difference is especially important in Matthew 27,25, where the people take responsibility for Jesus' blood.

SzakdolgozatLőrinczi Zsófia2023Pages: 62Supervisor: Czire Szabolcs

Title of my dissertation: "The History and Some Characteristic of Hungarian Protestant Bible Translations". The sources of translations and revisions are extensive, as a significant number of translations have been produced, spanning many centuries. The primary objective of this paper is to provide a detailed presentation of the history of Hungarian Protestant Bible translations and to conduct a comparison among the texts of these translations. The focus of the paper is on complete Hungarian Bible translations, while partial translations are only mentioned briefly. The translators continuously strived to convey the divine message as accurately and comprehensibly as possible to Hungarian readers. They took into account linguistic and cultural changes to ensure that the texts would meet the needs of the respective era and be easily understood by readers.

SzakdolgozatDerzsi Anita Izabella2019Pages: 70Supervisor: Kállay Dezső

Hogyan van jelen a keresztyén ember életében Isten törvénye? – tettük fel a kérdést dolgozatunk bevezetésében, és ahogyan azt kijelentettük, kutatásunkban elsősorban Jakab apostol törvényszemléletét vizsgáltuk, különösen nagy hangsúlyt fektetve „a szabadság (tökéletes) törvényének” gondolatára. Az itt feltárt eredmények arra vezettek bennünket, hogy tegyünk egy kis kitérőt, és tekintsük át Jézus Krisztus törvényértelmezésének főbb szempontjait is. Mindehhez még hozzávettük Jakab vélt riválisának, Pál apostolnak a törvénnyel kapcsolatos meglátásait, végül pedig összevetettük Pál és Jakab álláspontját.

SzakdolgozatTóth Bozsena2001Pages: 39Supervisor: Tonk Sándor

SzakdolgozatMárkos Hunor Elemér2009Pages: 52Supervisor: Czire Szabolcs