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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results.
PublikációSomfalvi Edit2023Pages: 175--187

Tineretul de astăzi se confruntă cu o criză a identității valorilor, fără a fi vinovat pentru aceasta. Cei responsabili de educația și îndrumarea lor, cum ar fi părinții, dascălii, clericii și îndrumătorii spirituali, și-au pierdut orientarea spirituală, preferând adesea siguranța în locul mântuirii. În societatea actuală, se observă o predominanță a răului explicată prin prisma mentalității evoluționiste susținute de știință. În acest context, cuvintele din Sfânta Scriptură și apelul către Dumnezeu par a fi fără rost. Răul este adesea redus la încălcări ale normelor etice, explicate printr-un raționalism care justifică urmarea pasiunilor personale. Abaterea de la calea corectă trasată de Părinții Bisericii, precursorii pedagogiei moderne, a dus la o pierdere a valorilor fundamentale ale creației divine. Este esențial să redescoperim fundamentul creștin al pedagogiei și orientarea spirituală pentru a remedia această situație.

PublikációSzűcs Bernadett, Papp György202112Pages: 77--104

Valentinus and His Teaching in the Light of Modern Research and Ancient Christian Heresiology -- The first part of this paper contains a summary of the life and teachings of Valentinus written by Bernadett Szűcs, in which the author sketches the most important aspects of this complex topic based on the early Christian primary sources harmonized with the state of the modern research. As an appendix to this introduction, the second part of this paper, written by György Papp contains the first Hungarian translation (accompanied by the original Greek text from the recently published critical edition) of one of the primary sources with a short introduction, to the text: the chapter about Valentinus in the Haereticarum fabularum compendium of Theodoret of Cyrus.

PublikációKató Szabolcs Ferencz2021Pages: 115--129

Isa 7:14 is one of the most enigmatic texts of the Old Testament in which the traditional Christian exegesis has found the roots of the dogma of the virgin birth. It remains a question though whether this text indeed focuses on the female figure rathern than the son to be born. Following a brief survey of the recent state of research, in this article I address the question of the possible historical background of the text. Recent semantical investigations of the term עַלְמָה, often translated as ‘virgin’, show that neither עַלְמָה nor its synonym בְּתוּלָה imply any information about the eventual sexual experience of the named person. Both terms denote a young, unmarried woman. Regarding the identity of this woman there are four main theories: 1. the woman and his son are late eschatological figures conveying messianic messages; 2. the woman is the daughter of Zion and Immanuel is the people of Jerusalem. 3.

PublikációBalogh Csaba2014644Pages: 519--538

In studies on the composition of prophetic literature, the larger textual layers reinterpreting earlier texts, the so-called Fortschreibungen, received much attention. It is well-known that beside these larger literary elaborations prophetic books also contain shorter explanatory interpolations, often called glosses, which intend to clarify a particular imagery of the prophecy (e.g., Isa 9:14). A systematic reading of these short annotations has been neglected, however, in studying the formation of prophetic books. The present article reconsiders the Isaiah-Memoir from this perspective. It identifies editorial interpolations in three distinct pericopes, Isa 8:2, 8:6-7a and 8:23b. It is argued here that the identification of such explanatory additions is the key to understanding notorious textual complexities. Moreover, it points out that these interpolations tend to expose recognisable patterns and common hermeneutical principles.

PublikációImre Lajos194222Pages: 450

Ez a munka a vallásos nevelés és a vallástanítás teológiai alapon felépített rendszerét akarja adni. Hozzá akar járulni ezzel egyrészt a katechetika kérdéseinek tudományos teológiai megvilágításához, de másrészt segítséget is szeretne nyújtani azoknak, akik a vallásos nevelés munkájával foglalkoznak.

PublikációImre Lajos1941Pages: 229

Ez a könyv tulajdonképen kísérlet, amelyet eredetileg egy gyakorlati szükség váltott ki. A kolozsvári teológiai fakultás egyik módszeres értekezletén merült fel az a gondolat, hogy a teológiai hallgatók számára szükséges lenne gondoskodni arról, hogy teológiai tanulmányaik és az egyház jelen élete kérdései között a kapcsolat világosabban álljon előttük, hogy azok, akik a teológiai tanulmányok folyamán megismerkednek az Ige szolgálatának alapvető követelményeivel, lássák azt is, hogy ez a szolgálat milyen feladatokat állít eléjük abban az egyházban, ahol szolgálnak, annak mindennapi életében, a világban elfoglalt helyzetében s azokban a gyülekezetekben, ahol az Igét hirdetniök kell.

PublikációGenda János1940Pages: 36--38

A szórványban élő ref. vallású gyermekekről van szó. Ereknek református Intünk szerinti nevelése, tanítása és konfirmálása az ismert missziói parancsból következik. Egyházunk ezt a parancsot megértette, noha nem teljesíti mindenütt. Ennek különféle akadályai vannak, amikről alább bővebben lesz szó. De amennyiben — a külső és belső akadályok ellenére — egyházunkban valahol komolyan veszik a világiak és lelkipásztorok e tevékenységet, ott a missziói parancs miatt veszik komolyan.