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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 results.
PublikációSomfalvi Edit202415Pages: 237--259

Bibliolog as scriptural interpretation. Modern “midrash” as a possible method in catechesis. This research delves into the bibliolog approach to interpreting the Holy Scriptures, a technique often termed as “modern midrash” and not widely recognised in Hungarian-speaking regions. Originating from America, bibliolog diverges from the European tradition of bibliodrama or Biblical drama, focusing instead on a narrative-driven method. It offers an immersive experience where individuals seeking to grasp the biblical narrative can simultaneously embody the roles of active participants and keen observers, fostering personal introspection in real-time. The paper elucidates how the bibliolog method can serve as a potent instrument in both religious and ecclesiastical pedagogy, enhancing catechetical practices.

PublikációBardócz Csaba20081013Pages: 268--296

Scout Movement in Transylvania. This study is a presentation about the history of the scout movement in Transylvania. The Hungarian scout movement in Transylvania started in 1911. After that many Hungarian scout team was founded. After 1914, when Transylvania became a part of Romania the Hungarian scout teams joined the Romanian scout association, which was founded in 1914. Between the two world wars the Romanian scout association was under the direct influence of the state. After 1940, when a part of Transylvania was connected to Hungary again, the Hungarian scout movement in Transylvania has also revived. The scout started many kind of good projects. They became a useful part of the society. The centre of the scout movement by that time was Kolozsvár.

PublikációNév Nélkül2005313Pages: 154--156

PublikációNév Nélkül2005311Pages: 51--54

PublikációNév Nélkül2001273Pages: 164--165

PublikációNév Nélkül2001272Pages: 108--109

SzakdolgozatKovács László2012Pages: 44Supervisor: Somfalvi Edit

A bibliodráma a vallásóra egyik módszere lehet annak érdekében, hogy a diákok könnyebben értsék meg a tananyagot, hogy a gyerekek ne monoton módon, nehézkesen tanuljanak meg bizonyos történeteket, hanem könnyedén, szórakoztatóan, és eredményesen.