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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results.
PublikációKállay Dezső2023Pages: 51--68

Pavel din Tars a intrat în istoria creștinismului ca apostol al neamurilor. A fost un predicator neobosit și un învățător inspirat al Evangheliei lui Dumnezeu, care și-a îndeplinit misiunea cu cea mai mare fervoare și devotament necondiționat până la sfârșitul vieții sale. Cu povestea sa de viață fascinantă și cu experiența sa considerabilă în plantarea și consolidarea bisericilor creștine, el se află astăzi în fața noastră ca un om demn de atenția fiecărui slujitor. În ciuda unicității sale, el ne stă înainte în multe feluri ca un exemplu de înțelepciune, sobrietate, puritate, răbdare, altruism, moderație, fidelitate și dragoste frățească sinceră.

PublikációBalogh Csaba2018423Pages: 363--390

This article argues that Isaiah's so-called ‘refrain poem’ (Kehrvergedicht) in Isa. 9.7–20 is a composite text, going back to two early prophecies with different concerns. Isaiah 9.7–17* focused originally on the arrogant refusal of the divine word, while Isa. 9.18–20* reflected on the chaotic social circumstances in Samaria in the eighth century. The refrains in vv. 9,11cd, 16ef and 20cd were added to these two already connected prophecies at a later stage. The theological summary in v. 12 is yet another addition, closely affiliated with 5.24–25. Unlike v. 12, the refrains do not have the repentance of Israel in view, nor its final destruction, but the fall of Assyria in Isa. 10.5–15, 24–27. The refrains support the theory that the Isaianic collection was formed by means of reusing, restructuring and reinterpreting earlier material. DOI:

PublikációBalogh Csaba2014644Pages: 519--538

In studies on the composition of prophetic literature, the larger textual layers reinterpreting earlier texts, the so-called Fortschreibungen, received much attention. It is well-known that beside these larger literary elaborations prophetic books also contain shorter explanatory interpolations, often called glosses, which intend to clarify a particular imagery of the prophecy (e.g., Isa 9:14). A systematic reading of these short annotations has been neglected, however, in studying the formation of prophetic books. The present article reconsiders the Isaiah-Memoir from this perspective. It identifies editorial interpolations in three distinct pericopes, Isa 8:2, 8:6-7a and 8:23b. It is argued here that the identification of such explanatory additions is the key to understanding notorious textual complexities. Moreover, it points out that these interpolations tend to expose recognisable patterns and common hermeneutical principles.

PublikációOláh Róbert20191125Pages: 567--580

Az elmúlt évtizedekben megnőtt az érdeklődés a kora újkori református identitás alkotóelemei iránt. Kevesebb figyelem fordult az „önelnevezés” irányába. Meghatározó volt ifjabb Révész Imre (1889–1967) 1934-ben megjelent tanulmánya, amely bemutatta, hogy idővel miként lett az egyháztörténeti hagyományokon alapuló eretnekbélyegből karakteres nemzeti vonással rendelkező értékjelző. A szerző a református egyházak között kivételként határozta meg a magyarországi gyakorlatot, ahol a felekezet (nem hivatalosan) önmagára is alkalmazta a Kálvin nevéből képzett, eredetileg negatív jelzőt. Korábban teológusaink kifejezetten tiltakoztak ellene, és helyette a „keresztyén”, a „helvét hitvallású”, az „evangelicus” és az „ortodoxa reformata” elnevezéseket használták. Ezúttal a „kálvinista” jelzőt tesszük a vizsgálat tárgyává a 17. századi református teológiai szövegekben.

SzakdolgozatSzakács Zsolt2014Pages: 58Supervisor: Kállay Dezső

Vajon a mindannyiunk által ismert Filippi levél mai, kanonikus formája eredetileg is így nézett ki, vagy azt több páli levél redakciója során nyerte el? Dolgozatunkban olyan 19–21. századbeli tudósok által felvetett elméletekkel foglalkozunk, amik a Filippibeliekhez írt levél irodalmi egységét bizonyítják, vagy éppenséggel megkérdőjelezik azt.