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SzakdolgozatGáti Gábor2023Pages: 58Supervisor: Visky Sándor Béla, Papp György

In this research, I have explored the theme of the immortality of the soul in the light of Plato's and Calvin's view of the soul. The work is divided into two major parts: in the first part, I examined Plato's and Calvin's view of the soul and the immortality of the soul, and in the second part, I compared the results of the first part. In the course of this research, I have discovered the similarities and differences in the details of the two conceptions. Eight units of thought were identified for the comparison and within these units, different themes were compared between the two conceptions. In the last point, one of the main questions of the topic was answered, namely whether the soul is immortal or impermanent. Although Plato and Calvin had different points of view, in the end the two concepts were the same: the soul is immortal.

PublikációKovács Sándor2018Pages: 11--11

PublikációSomfalvi Edit2017Pages: 187

Amikor egy kisgyermek fél vagy szorong, a legegyszerűbb őt ölbe venni és mesélni valami szépet, érdekeset és biztatót neki, hogy szűnjön a félelme, oldódjon a szorongása. Lelkipásztorként sokszor kellett megállnom magányos emberek, kórházi ágyakon fekvő betegek vagy gyászolók mellett temetéseken. Gyakran tapasztaltam, hogy saját szavaim elégtelennek bizonyultak, ami a bátorítást illeti, de egy jól megválasztott alapige vagy elbeszélt-elolvasott történet érezhetően oldotta a magányos, a beteg vagy a gyászoló ember szomorúságát, szorongását. E tapasztalatok sora vetette fel bennem a lehetőségét annak, hogy talán célzatosan lehet használni a bibliai történeteket szorongásoldásra. A kutatás célja annak az összefüggésrendszernek a felfedezése volt, amelyben leírható, hogy a mindenki által oly jól ismert szorongás, ezen belül a gyermekkori szorongás oldható bibliai történetek elbeszélésével.

PublikációMagyar Balázs Dávid20181115Pages: 564--565

PublikációPásztori-Kupán István20081016Pages: 677--699

It is often argued that the sixteenth-century Reformation initiated a chain of events that ultimately led not only to religious pluralism within the body of the Western Christian Church, but also to the rise and dispersion of mutual acceptance among various religious groups. The fact, however, that these two things (i.e. religious pluralism and tolerance) did not emerge directly and immediately (almost as a matter of course) from the Reformation itself, is similarly undeniable. As we shall see below, we have sufficient evidence to claim that although the Reformers – including John Calvin, Theodore Beza and others, with whom this paper is partly concerned – at some point in their lives (mostly in their youth) advocated and invocated the cultivation of the spirit of tolerance, most of them refrained from upholding such positions once their situation as leaders within a newly emerged (both religious and political) community or realm became established.