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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results.
PublikációFüsti-Molnár Szilveszter202415Pages: 273--296

The paper discusses the challenges of Christian identity in a (post)modern context in relation to fundamental elements of theology. It explores the role of doctrines in the life of the church, emphasising their importance in relation to worship and the authority of the Word of God. The paper highlights the importance of corporate identity as Christian and Reformed, emphasising the significance of cultural identity in the context of Christianity. It addresses the question of what makes the church and the conditions of being a church, reflecting on the essence of Christianity.

PublikációVass Lehel202112Pages: 7--57

The Textual and Redactional History of Genesis 46:8–27 -- Genesis 46:8–27 lists the names of those who went down along with Jacob to Egypt during the famine in Canaan. However, this passage has some features that inspire to further study. These include seemingly pointless repetitions, tensions within the text and contradictions with other verses in the book of Genesis, which lead us to conclude that the text of the pericope in question has undergone significant changes over time. In this study, we will attempt to deduce possible textual layers and reconstruct the sources used, starting from the canonical text and working backwards in time.

PublikációFazakas Sándor2021Pages: 192--209

A vallás nem megoldás. A vallás a probléma maga! – hangzik korunk vallás-kritikájának tenorja, amely világunk, s benne életünk, szabadságunk és békességünk veszélyeztetettségét és fenyegetettségét a fundamentalista vallási meggyőződés számlájára írja. Valóban, egyrészt nem kevés azon megnyilvánulások száma, amelyekben félelem tükröződik a vallásokkal, különösen az iszlám fundamentalizmussal szemben, amely egy isteni vagy vallási tekintély nevében abszolút engedelmességet és alávetettséget követel, s ennek eléréséhez az erőszak alkalmazásától sem riad vissza. De már az újkori vallási fundamentalizmus előtt is közkedvelt narratíva volt, hogy a vallás és politika szimbiózisa, illetve a reformáció által kiváltott konfesszionális ellentétek és brutális vallásháborúk csak pusztulást és romokat hagytak maguk után az öreg kontinens társadalmaiban.

PublikációKovács Sándor2018Pages: 11--11

PublikációPapp György20123Pages: 69--95

PublikációPásztori-Kupán István20081016Pages: 677--699

It is often argued that the sixteenth-century Reformation initiated a chain of events that ultimately led not only to religious pluralism within the body of the Western Christian Church, but also to the rise and dispersion of mutual acceptance among various religious groups. The fact, however, that these two things (i.e. religious pluralism and tolerance) did not emerge directly and immediately (almost as a matter of course) from the Reformation itself, is similarly undeniable. As we shall see below, we have sufficient evidence to claim that although the Reformers – including John Calvin, Theodore Beza and others, with whom this paper is partly concerned – at some point in their lives (mostly in their youth) advocated and invocated the cultivation of the spirit of tolerance, most of them refrained from upholding such positions once their situation as leaders within a newly emerged (both religious and political) community or realm became established.