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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results.
PublikációGeréb Zsolt202415Pages: 127--143

Family and kinship. Who cares for the family’s concerns today? Practice obedience and love (in the family), for this is pleasing in the Lord (Colossians 3:18–4:1). In an era of secularisation, individuals have drifted from the familial narratives found in the Bible, prioritising personal over communal interests. This shift prompts theologians to consider how they might use Scripture to address contemporary ethical transformations. The early apologists offer a model for engaging with these changes, having adapted their teachings to the Hellenistic context while infusing them with Christian values. This is exemplified by the “Haustafels” (household codes) in the apostolic epistles, which I examine for their Christian ethos and links to ancient economic texts. These codes’ principles—responsibility and mutual respect—remain relevant and vital for harmonious family and community life today.

PublikációPapp György2023Pages: 81--93

În acest eseu, îmi propun să conturez doctrina referitoare la întruparea lui Isus Hristos așa cum este reflectată în cele mai semnificative crezuri ale creștinismului. Totuși, pentru a înțelege evoluția acestei doctrine, voi începe prin a prezenta câteva imagini din lumea primelor declarații asemănătoare cu crezul care au apărut în perioada post-biblică.

PublikációPásztori-Kupán István2007Pages: 242

I invite the reader to take a journey into the theological world of two little treatises written by one of the most interesting ecclesiastical figures of the fifth century coming from the Antiochene tradition: Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus.

PublikációRezi Elek20178Pages: 121--136