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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 results.
SzakdolgozatLőrinczi Zsófia2023Pages: 62Supervisor: Czire Szabolcs

Title of my dissertation: "The History and Some Characteristic of Hungarian Protestant Bible Translations". The sources of translations and revisions are extensive, as a significant number of translations have been produced, spanning many centuries. The primary objective of this paper is to provide a detailed presentation of the history of Hungarian Protestant Bible translations and to conduct a comparison among the texts of these translations. The focus of the paper is on complete Hungarian Bible translations, while partial translations are only mentioned briefly. The translators continuously strived to convey the divine message as accurately and comprehensibly as possible to Hungarian readers. They took into account linguistic and cultural changes to ensure that the texts would meet the needs of the respective era and be easily understood by readers.

SzakdolgozatBorhaci Dávid2019Pages: 101Supervisor: Buzogány Dezső

A dolgozatom fejezeteiben azokat a tényeket ismertetem, amelyek az egyházkerület törvényes elismertetéséhez vezettek. Leírom azokat a harcokat, amelyeket megvívtak az egyház lelkipásztorai és vezetői az állammal. A trianoni békeszerződés nyomát még mindig érezni lehetett abban a korban, hisz nemcsak az egyházzal ápolt eléggé ellenséges kapcsolatot az állam, hanem a magyar kisebbséggel is.