Református Szemle 101.6

Title Contributor Page Subject area File
A Survey of Present Research of Proverbs 1–9 Zabán Bálint Károly 605--633 Old Testament 2008-3814.pdf
Auslegung Kolosser 1,21–2,5 Geréb Zsolt 634--654 New Testament 2008-3815.pdf
Freude aus der Verheissung des Evangeliums – eine matthäische Perspektive Luz, Ulrich 655--668 New Testament 2008-3816.pdf
Church and politics Beek, Abraham van de 669--676 Systematic theology 2008-3817.pdf
Invocation of biblical authority in a secular decision Pásztori-Kupán István 677--699 Systematic theology 2008-3818.pdf
The Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ in Early Christian Confessions Papp György 700--708 Systematic theology 2008-3819.pdf
The Reasoning Faith of Melanchton as a Humanist Buzogány Dezső 709--719 Systematic theology, Church history 2008-3820.pdf
In Search of Pre-Exilic Israel Zabán Bálint Károly 720--722 Old Testament 2008-3821.pdf
Martin J. Buss: Biblical Form Criticism in its Context Zabán Bálint Károly 722--728 Old Testament 2008-3824.pdf
Stuart Weeks: Instruction and Imagery in Proverbs 1–9 Zabán Bálint Károly 728--730 Old Testament 2008-3825.pdf
Lehel Tunyogi Has Taken His Doctor’s Degree Adorjáni Zoltán 731--747 Old Testament 2008-3822.pdf