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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 results.
PublicationŐsz Sándor Előd2023Pages: 111--133

Colecția Blaj a Bibliotecii Filialei Academiei Române din Cluj reprezintă un important vestigiu cultural al greco-catolicismului din Ardeal. Nucleul bibliotecii este format din colecția mănăstirii basilitane ctitorite în 1747 cu hramul Sfintei Treimi. În același an a început activitatea seminarului diecezan. Se pare că cele două instituții au avut o bibliotecă comună. Cărțile au fost inventariate pentru prima dată în 1752. Materialul prezentat face parte dintr-o cercetare mai amplă, care vizează descrierea operelor teologilor protestanți din secolul XVI păstrate în colecțiile istorice din Ardeal. În Colecția Blaj a Bibliotecii Filialei Cluj a Academiei Române se găsesc 421 de tipărituri din secolul XVI.

ThesisSzabó Zoárd Attila2023Pages: 57Supervisor: Buzogány Dezső

The research titled "Protocols of Five Congregations of the Maros Reformed Diocese from 1687: Nyárádselye, Berekeresztúr, Nyárádszentimre, Nyárádszereda, Nyárádszentanna" examines the year 1687 and the Maros Reformed Diocese. The study aims to uncover and analyze the surveys conducted in these mentioned five congregations, which are associated with the specific time period. The research provides a comprehensive overview of the congregations' history, their life within the Reformed Church, and the collected data. Through the analysis and interpretation of primary sources, insights can be gained into the daily lives of the congregations, religious practices, and other characteristics of religious life during this period. The findings of the thesis contribute to the historical and religious research of the Maros Reformed Diocese, helping to understand the characteristics and challenges of the 17th-century Reformed communities in Transylvania.

PublicationLenyó Orsolya2022Pages: 123--158

Miklós Telegdi, a Roman Catholic bishop of the reformation period, was an important figure of his generation. The confessional guide of his Agendarius, first published in 1583 in nagyszombat (Trnava, now in Slovakia), is particular as to its structure and content. in Hungary, this is the first penitential guide that was written in a unique style, including vernacular parts and containing exhortations in a large number. The confessional includes a text discussing the strict obligation on the seal of confession as well as a confession mirror which, according to its genre, is a tool of individual self-examination. In my paper, I attempt to answer the question whether Telegdi’s confessional guide is only unique from a national point of view or also in a wider, international context.

PublicationSimon József2022Pages: 87--100

Although György Enyedi’s (1555-1597) posthumous exegetical masterpiece Explicationes (Cluj, 1598) did not contain any explicit statements on political thinking, his Hungarian sermons testify his theoretical interest towards political philosophy. The paper focuses on sermons 67, 68 and 184, wherein Enyedi formulates his version of natural law. Due to his antitrinitarian theological presuppositions and his philosophical anthropology deeply inherent in the former, Enyedi’s position does not match fully the standard versions of natural law of his time. on the one hand, Enyedi’s approach proves to be much more intellectual in character than the voluntaristic correction of Thomist natural law in Scholastic-Suáresian theory. on the other hand, the antitrinitarian dismissal of original sin as a chief anthropological motif results in differences from the protestant natural law tradition, as Melanchthon developed it in the 1530s.

PublicationBenkő Timea2018Pages: 22--35

A 18. századi református kollégiumi éneklés sajátos szerepet töltött be a magyar dal- és kórusirodalom történetének alakulásában. Bár az énektanításra és a zenei ismeretek elsajátítására már korábban is nagy hangsúlyt fektettek ezekben az iskolákban, mégis a 17. századi énekkarok megszervezésével, majd a Maróthi György által bevezetett többszólamú zsoltárénekléssel, az 1743-ban megjelentett Goudimel-féle négyszólamú zsoltároskönyv kiadásával új irányt vett az egyházi, ugyanakkor a világi magyar zenei élet is.

PublicationRácz Emese2018Pages: 9--21

A reformáció ötszáz éves jubileumát övező nagyszabású emlékünnepélyek során gyakran elhangzott az a megállapítás, hogy ez az első olyan jellegű évforduló, amely az ökumené jegyében zajlott: a történelmi egyházak együtt idézték meg a reformáció kezdetét, a wittenbergi tézisek kibocsátását, és ugyanekkor az egyházzal együtt emlékezett a politikum is. Belelapozva a jubileumi ünnepségek történeti összefoglalóiba, végigkísérhetjük, hogy az adott korszakok vallási és politikai viszonyai milyen hatást gyakoroltak az egyes centenáriumi ünnepségekre. Az első ünneplő évszázadokban a nyomtatásban megjelenő ünnepi kiadványokat az erőteljes felekezetközi (protestáns-katolikus) polémia jellemezte.