Although György Enyedi’s (1555-1597) posthumous exegetical masterpiece Explicationes (Cluj, 1598) did not contain any explicit statements on political thinking, his Hungarian sermons testify his theoretical interest towards political philosophy. The paper focuses on sermons 67, 68 and 184, wherein Enyedi formulates his version of natural law. Due to his antitrinitarian theological presuppositions and his philosophical anthropology deeply inherent in the former, Enyedi’s position does not match fully the standard versions of natural law of his time. on the one hand, Enyedi’s approach proves to be much more intellectual in character than the voluntaristic correction of Thomist natural law in Scholastic-Suáresian theory. on the other hand, the antitrinitarian dismissal of original sin as a chief anthropological motif results in differences from the protestant natural law tradition, as Melanchthon developed it in the 1530s. Against this background, the paper explores Enyedi’s basic theoretical convictions relating to political authority and to natural obligation in the context of the humanistic ideal proper to Enyedi’s efforts in the field of Bible interpretation.
A természetjog eszméje Enyedi György prédikációiban
Simon József: A természetjog eszméje Enyedi György prédikációiban. In: Lovas Borbála, Szigeti Molnár Dávid (ed.): Dávid Ferenc és a kortárs prédikációirodalom. A reformáció első generációi. (2022), 87--100
Content category
Publication type: Research article
Source: Dávid Ferenc és a kortárs prédikációirodalom
Subject area: Varia, Other
Keywords: igehirdetés (prédikáció), természeti vallásosság, természetjog, unitárius egyház
Persons reference: Enyedi György