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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results.
PublicationVisky Sándor Béla2023Pages: 318--338

A Radikális Ortodoxia kortárs teológiai irányzat az angolszász akadémiákon. Legmeghatározóbb alakjának, John Milbanknak egyik programadó írását vizsgálom, melyet ’Posztmodern kritikai augusztinianizmus’ címmel tett közzé. Az írás alcíme: rövid summa negyvenkét válaszban fel nem tett kérdésekre. Az áttekinthetőség kedvéért a szerteágazó három és féltucatnyi választ négy nagyobb tematikus egységbe tömörítem, melyek a teológia új helyzetéről, a posztmodern teológiáról, az ontológiai erőszak és az Ágoston-féle mennyei béke szembeállításáról, valamint Krisztus áldozatának és feltámadásának értelméről szólnak.

PublicationKató Szabolcs Ferencz2023Pages: 29--40

În Vechiul Testament, Regatul de Nord este adesea considerat o regiune vinova-tă în care poporul s-a îndepărtat de Dumnezeu. Cu toate acestea, este notabil faptul că în descrierea întemeierii cultului din 1 Împărați 12, zeul venerat nu este numit, ci doar definit prin faptul că el a fost responsabil de exod. Un alt aspect deosebit de important este că acest cult nu era centralizat, ci Ieroboam a ridicat altare pentru această divinitate în întreaga țară, inclusiv, foarte probabil, în capi-tală, Samaria, unde exista un templu pentru această divinitate. Bazându-ne pe faptul că exodul este atribuit în toate textele lui Iahve, zeul venerat în Israel nu poate fi altul decât Iahve. El era zeul național și dinastic, inclusiv în Regatul de Nord. Acest lucru este susținut de prezența elementului teoforic iahvist în majo-ritatea numelor regale. Cu toate acestea, cel mai probabil erau tolerate și alte zeități canaanite. De exemplu, regele Ahab a introdus altarul lui Baal în templul lui Iahve.

PublicationVass Lehel202112Pages: 7--57

The Textual and Redactional History of Genesis 46:8–27 -- Genesis 46:8–27 lists the names of those who went down along with Jacob to Egypt during the famine in Canaan. However, this passage has some features that inspire to further study. These include seemingly pointless repetitions, tensions within the text and contradictions with other verses in the book of Genesis, which lead us to conclude that the text of the pericope in question has undergone significant changes over time. In this study, we will attempt to deduce possible textual layers and reconstruct the sources used, starting from the canonical text and working backwards in time.

PublicationVisky Sándor Béla2021Pages: 703--721

Dolgozatomban egy olyan kortárs teológiai irányzatot kívánok röviden bemutatni, amely az elmúlt két évtizedben meglehetősen nagy visszhangot keltett angolszász akadémiai körökben, de amellyel ismereteim szerint ez ideig magyar nyelvterületen még senki sem foglalkozott. Előbb ennek alapszempontját, névértelmezését, irodalmát villantom fel (I), majd öt olyan markáns gondolatkört vázolok, amellyel gyakran találkozunk az irányzaton belül (II), végszóként pedig e tanulmány címét értelmezem (III).

PublicationBancea Gábor20071001Pages: 45--68

Canaanite Abominations as Presented in the Book of Deuteronomy. A Theological Evaluation. Before entering in the Promised Land the people of Israel were told not to follow the forbidden practices of the polytheistic nations (Deut 18, 9–14), to avoid all kinds of magical and superstitious practices designed to discover the will of gods, or even to compel the gods to action in certain ways. The occult, superstitions, divinisation, sorcery, spiritualism were abominations all to Yahweh and brought about His judgment. Yahweh made His will known through revelation, by the aid of His prophets, whose words would be clearly understandable to the people in contrast with the ambiguous and mysterious spells of those who worked with magic and divinisation. Israel must be blameless in regard to every form of divinisation, magic or spiritism.