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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results.
PublicationGeréb Zsolt202415Pages: 127--143

Family and kinship. Who cares for the family’s concerns today? Practice obedience and love (in the family), for this is pleasing in the Lord (Colossians 3:18–4:1). In an era of secularisation, individuals have drifted from the familial narratives found in the Bible, prioritising personal over communal interests. This shift prompts theologians to consider how they might use Scripture to address contemporary ethical transformations. The early apologists offer a model for engaging with these changes, having adapted their teachings to the Hellenistic context while infusing them with Christian values. This is exemplified by the “Haustafels” (household codes) in the apostolic epistles, which I examine for their Christian ethos and links to ancient economic texts. These codes’ principles—responsibility and mutual respect—remain relevant and vital for harmonious family and community life today.

PublicationPapp György2021Pages: 146--158

Theis paper analyses the concept of “imago Dei” based on the 6th answer of the Heidelberg Catechism. I chose this topic as it is one of the most controversial questions of systematic theology. If one browses through the dogmatic and ethical works written from the earliest period of Christianity to the most recent times, they will find a large variety of answers. All of these attempt to explain what the writer of Genesis meant by the expression na‘aśęh ’ ādām beṣalmenu kidemutenu. The Heidelberg Catechism deals with this topic in the 6th answer where the authors attested that God did not create the first human being godless and malicious. After stating that as a matter of fact, God created man according to his own image and likeness, the Catechism explains the term imago Dei in a twofold way: first, it seeks to define the inner content of the image and similitude of God, and secondly it expands upon the purpose of man given by God as the image of his creator within the creation.

PublicationPapp György2019Pages: 245--270

A tanulmány célja bemutatni az 1Móz 1,26-ban olvasható kijenetés (teremtsünk embert a mi képünkre és hasonlatosságunkra) héber és görög szövege közötti kapcsolatot.

PublicationRezi Elek20178Pages: 121--136

PublicationHermán János20181111Pages: 79--89

Idős Hermán János lelkész könyvtári hagyatékából 2017-ben került elő egy beszámoló a györgyfalviak második bécsi döntést követő helyzetéről. A menekülteket felkaroló tevékenység rejtegetett dokumentumának közlését nemcsak azon szubjektív ok miatt tartom fontosnak, hogy édesapám, idős Hermán János györgyfalvi lelkipásztor volt 1945 és 1950 között, hanem főleg azért, mert az abban olvasható adatok beszédesen tanúskodnak Györgyfalva népének megpróbáltatásairól, túlélési küzdelméről és arról, ahogyan az otthon maradottakról és a nyomorúságba esett személyek felől gondoskodtak Kolozsváron vagy a fronton.