Reformed Review

The journal Református Szemle (Reformed Review) publishes scholarly articles and critical reviews in the field of theology / religious studies and adjacent areas (history, philosophy, art history, archaeology, sociology, literary history). In line with its tradition, the journal is published by the two Reformed church districts of Romania and the Lutheran Church of Romania. Its editorial office is located at the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, the accredited higher educational institution founded and supported by the above mentioned churches. The official website of the journal:

Year 2013 / 3
Year 2013 / 2
Year 2013 / 1
Year 2012 / 6
Year 2012 / 5
Year 2012 / 4
Year 2012 / 3
Year 2012 / 2
Year 2012 / 1
Year 2011 / 6
Year 2011 / 5
Year 2011 / 4
Year 2011 / 3
Year 2011 / 2
Year 2011 / 1
Year 2010 / 6
Year 2010 / 5
Year 2010 / 4
Year 2010 / 3
Year 2010 / 2
Year 2010 / 1
Year 2009 / 6
Year 2009 / 5
Year 2009 / 4
Year 2009 / 3
Year 2009 / 2
Year 2009 / 1
Year 2008 / 6
Year 2008 / 5
Year 2008 / 4
Year 2008 / 3
Year 2008 / 2