igehirdetés (prédikáció)

A tanító igehirdetés időszerűsége

Preaching as an instrument for teaching Christian doctrines. In the last three decades, Transylvanian society and church members have experienced a shift toward secularisation, particularly within the Reformed Church. This trend has made it difficult to engage with younger congregants drifting from organized religion. Despite this, there’s a vital need to re-emphasise Christian teachings, especially considering the current state of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Transylvania, where many lack a deep understanding of biblical and Reformed doctrines.

Predicarea narativă ca instrument pentru încântarea auditoriului

Este o senzație teribilă pentru predicatorii practicanți să constate că metodele testate și ani de zile funcționale par să fie învechite, iar tipurile de predicări care păreau altădată eficiente sunt acum întâmpinate cu priviri plictisite și puterea lor de motivare de odinioară pare să fi dispărut. În astfel de momente, pastorii și specialiștii în omiletică încep să caute idei noi și inovatoare, pentru a putea pre-dica cu succes Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu.

A kritikus kritikusai

Ravasz László első prédikációs kötete és annak kritikai visszhangja

A tanulmány Ravasz László első prédikációs kötetét teszi vizsgálódás tárgyává. A kötet gyűjtemény, a Református Szemlében, a Protestáns Prédikátori Tárban és a Protestáns Szemlében 1903-1910 között megjelent legkorábbi prédikációit, beszédeit, prédikációvázlatait tartalmazza.

„Az táncz nincsen hitből”

Szemelvények a 16. századi reformáció táncellenes prédikációiból

The study of the historicity and change processes of dance culture requires a specific theoretical methodology in dance anthropology and dance folklore studies, especially since such research has been relatively rare in the Hungarian anthropological scene and has produced a number of questionable results in the field of dance folklore studies. several aspects of an anthropological approach, as well as adopting a comparative and interpretive approach to critical dance studies can assist in deploying a historical perspective in the examination of dance culture.

Vízkereszt utáni első vasárnap

A gyermek neveléséről és kötelességeiről

The sermons written for the first Sunday after the epiphany, according to the medieval order of the pericopes, are based on the story of 12-year-old Jesus teaching in the temple (Luke 2:41-52). Therefore, the duties of parents and children are usually presented in these sermons. A following of this pericopal tradition can be found among 16th-century Hungarian publications in the books of the pastors Péter Bornemisza, István Beythe and György Kulcsár, and the priest Miklós Telegdi.

Végidő-számítások Bornemisza Péter prédikációiban

My study focuses on the various apocalyptic calculations in the fifth postil written by Péter Bornemisza. According to the theologians of the magisterial Reformation, the exact time of the end cannot be calculated because only God knows this, as the Gospels clearly state it. Although Bornemisza accepts this doctrine too, he shares some assumptions about the approximate time of the second coming in a sermon of his postil.

„hogy ez jövendő velág meg tudná hitömet…”

Beythe István prédikációgyűjteményei

Although István Beythe (1532-1612) is usually remembered for his botanical works, his main achievement is his four-part sermon collection (Németújvár, 1584). The first volume contains the Sunday gospels, the second the apostolic epistles he based his lessons on, the third includes excerpts from the Gospel used on feast days of the saints, and the fourth the explanation of the epistles dedicated to the main holidays.

Circumdederunt me: a halál kínjai és a műveltség

Két halotti prédikációs mintabeszéd a Telegdi-féle Agendariusból

In his 1583 ritual entitled Agendarius, which was innovative in many respects in comparison to its Hungarian predecessors, Bishop Miklós Telegdi of Pécs, the administrator of the diocese of Esztergom, added sample-like sermons to the rituals of the administration of the sacraments accompanying the great turning points of life (viz. baptism, confirmation, wedding etc.). He was presumably guided chiefly by pastoral considerations.