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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results.
PublikációKiss Jenő2023Pages: 189--200

Din perspectiva mea, obstacolul care ne împiedică să căutăm din nou ceea ce considerăm a fi corect pentru fiecare dintre noi reprezintă, în realitate, o altă problemă, mai precis, o atitudine greșită față de nedreptățile comise. Această atitudine poate implica negarea, minimalizarea sau amplificarea gravității infracțiunilor, evitarea asumării responsabilităților sau transferul acestora către alții. O astfel de abordare a păcatului este una dintre cele care pot da naștere la situații foarte complexe și descurajatoare în consilierea pastorală (pastorație). În ceea ce privește cercetarea mea, voi concentra atenția asupra conceptului de speranță în contextul apariției acestor situații și voi căuta sursele valide ale acestei speranțe.

PublikációVarga Benjámin2022Pages: 19--174

In his 1583 ritual entitled Agendarius, which was innovative in many respects in comparison to its Hungarian predecessors, Bishop Miklós Telegdi of Pécs, the administrator of the diocese of Esztergom, added sample-like sermons to the rituals of the administration of the sacraments accompanying the great turning points of life (viz. baptism, confirmation, wedding etc.). He was presumably guided chiefly by pastoral considerations. For the second edition of 1596 (published after Telegdi’s death), the editors added a second funeral sermon, clearly intended for a more educated, urban audience – judging from the scholarly Latin quotations and the general tone. A comparison of the structure and content of the two speeches provides useful conclusions as to what the ecclesiastical authorities of the time considered advisable to preach at the time of death to mourners lacking basic schooling and what to the more learned audience.

PublikációSzigeti Molnár Dávid2022Pages: 101--122

My study approaches Unitarian sermon literature from the perspective of church discipline. There are several reasons for this: 1) Historical records of reception are scarce because in the early modern age, only a handful of Unitarian sermons could be published. 2) it was uncommon among Unitarian preachers to use theoretical works (ars concionandi/praedicandi) until the end of the 17th century, they learned instead by observing the written and oral practices of their colleagues. 3) Because of the medium of the manuscript, most early modern Unitarian sermons did not survive beyond the 17th–18th century. Therefore, in our exploration of the rules and ideals of sermon literature as well as the attitudes of followers, preachers, and schoolmasters to the genre, we are forced to rely on inferences based on the norms, especially the offences recorded in (ecclesiastical) court protocols.

PublikációMarjovszky Tibor, Márton János20221151Pages: 25--36

Az ókori Izráelben a téli esők hiányát nemcsak gazdasági válságként élték meg, hanem Isten figyelmeztetését is látták benne. Ezért minden esetben, amikor az esős évszak csapadék nélkül telt el, a bölcsek nyilvános böjtöt hirdettek. A Misna Ta'anit traktátusának 2. része részletesen foglalkozik azokkal a szertartásokkal, amelyeket a pátriárkának, a törvényszék elnökének, a papság és a gyülekezet tagjainak kellett bemutatniuk. A külső szertartáshoz, mint például a láda meghintése hamuval, hozzátartoztak a különböző áldásmondások, amelyek rámutattak a böjt tulajdonképpeni céljára, hogy tudniillik a szívnek kell visszatérnie a helyes útra. A böjti napok tehát a megtérés előfeltételeinek teljesítésére nyújtanak lehetőséget: a bűnök megvallására és a bűnök megbánására. A fejezetben szó esik azokról a napokról is, amelyeken kifejezetten tilos böjtölni és azokról a személyekről is, akik mentesek a szigorú értelemben vett böjt alól.

PublikációKoppándi Botond Péter20031091Pages: 83--88

PublikációAdorjáni Dezső Zoltán20071003Pages: 494--505

Die äußere Erneuerungsabsicht und die äußeren, erneuernden Kräfte muss sich mit unserem inneren Erneuerungsanspruch treffen. Es reicht heute nicht festzustellen, dass der geschichtliche Protestantismus an einer Relevanz und Identitätskrise leide und in Agonie verfallen sei, und dann darüber zu sprechen, was das bedeute. Nein, wir müssen aufbrechen in Richtung Erneuerung, in Richtung konkrete Reformation.