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PublikációKató Szabolcs Ferencz202415Pages: 11--28

Joseph, the father of Jesus, and Joseph, the son of Jacob. Observations on the Joseph figure in the Gospel of Matthew. The Gospel of Matthew (Mt) connects his texts with the Old Testament in various ways. Beyond the so-called reflexive quotations, Mt alludes to several Old Testament books and episodes with keywords, motifs, and compositional arrangement. This article investigates whether Mt uses a Joseph typology from Genesis in shaping his portrayal of Joseph, the father of Jesus. After a brief survey of the suggested links in this regard, the paper defines the concept of intertextuality at play here and evaluates the alleged parallels between the Joseph of Genesis and the Joseph of Mt. It seems that in the prelude, Mt presents his gospel as “the Book of the Genesis of Jesus Christ”, akin to a second Genesis.

PublikációHartenstein Károly1930Pages: 16

A zsidó népet általában „a vallás népének“ nevezik. Ezzel azonban a legnagyobbat még nem mondtuk meg róla. Nevezhetjük a „próféták népének".