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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 results.
PublikációBuzogány Dezső1996Pages: 402--428

PublikációBalogh Béla1996Pages: 337--368

PublikációHoop Froukje de1996Pages: 90--104

PublikációGálfy Zoltán1996Pages: 79--89

PublikációKató Szabolcs Ferencz2023Pages: 29--40

În Vechiul Testament, Regatul de Nord este adesea considerat o regiune vinova-tă în care poporul s-a îndepărtat de Dumnezeu. Cu toate acestea, este notabil faptul că în descrierea întemeierii cultului din 1 Împărați 12, zeul venerat nu este numit, ci doar definit prin faptul că el a fost responsabil de exod. Un alt aspect deosebit de important este că acest cult nu era centralizat, ci Ieroboam a ridicat altare pentru această divinitate în întreaga țară, inclusiv, foarte probabil, în capi-tală, Samaria, unde exista un templu pentru această divinitate. Bazându-ne pe faptul că exodul este atribuit în toate textele lui Iahve, zeul venerat în Israel nu poate fi altul decât Iahve. El era zeul național și dinastic, inclusiv în Regatul de Nord. Acest lucru este susținut de prezența elementului teoforic iahvist în majo-ritatea numelor regale. Cu toate acestea, cel mai probabil erau tolerate și alte zeități canaanite. De exemplu, regele Ahab a introdus altarul lui Baal în templul lui Iahve.

PublikációBalogh Csaba2013631Pages: 1--18

Isa 8:16 is considered a key reference regarding the formation of the book of Isaiah and the role of prophetic disciples in this process. This article argues, however, that originally this verse had a more limited significance. The instruction to which v. 16 refers is to be identified with vv. 12-15 rather than an early ‘book’ of Isaiah. The expression ‘the instructed ones’ (of YHWH rather than the prophet) is applied to the prophet’s audience. This term reflects Isaiah’s characteristic view of prophesying as an act of instruction and prophecy as a form of teaching, and it does not presuppose the existence of any prophetic school. The view that sealing the instruction would allude to preserving prophetic teaching for the posterity is discounted here in favour of understanding the symbolic act as a metaphor from the legal sphere refering to authentication, with no inherent temporal significance.

PublikációBalogh Csaba2014644Pages: 519--538

In studies on the composition of prophetic literature, the larger textual layers reinterpreting earlier texts, the so-called Fortschreibungen, received much attention. It is well-known that beside these larger literary elaborations prophetic books also contain shorter explanatory interpolations, often called glosses, which intend to clarify a particular imagery of the prophecy (e.g., Isa 9:14). A systematic reading of these short annotations has been neglected, however, in studying the formation of prophetic books. The present article reconsiders the Isaiah-Memoir from this perspective. It identifies editorial interpolations in three distinct pericopes, Isa 8:2, 8:6-7a and 8:23b. It is argued here that the identification of such explanatory additions is the key to understanding notorious textual complexities. Moreover, it points out that these interpolations tend to expose recognisable patterns and common hermeneutical principles.

PublikációKiss Jenő2014Pages: 179--188

PublikációKiss Jenő2014Pages: 167--178

PublikációPálfi József2017Pages: 169--182

PublikációKolumbán Vilmos József2017Pages: 9--10

PublikációBiró István20211143Pages: 339--354

Jelen tanulmányban a kolozsvári teológiai fakultáson 1898 és 1944 között meghirdetett egyháztörténeti pályatételeket és a beküldött egyháztörténeti pályamunkákat összegeztük és ismertettük. Ezek a munkák szorosan kapcsolódtak a fakultás egyháztörténeti oktatásának történetéhez és az önálló tudományos kutatást, tehetséggondozást voltak hivatottak megteremteni.

A vizsgált időszakban összesen huszonhat egyháztörténeti pályamunka ké­szült el a harmincnégy kitűzött pályatétel közül. A beküldött munkák és a meg­hirdetett pályatételek száma korszakonként változott, azonban ezek relevánsan beleágyazódnak az intézménytörténeti keretbe. Ameddig a monarchiabeli fakultás korában minden évben hirdettek egyháztörténeti pályamunkát, addig az impériumváltást követő évtizedben elenyésző ez a szám. Emiatt a teológiai hallgatók önképzése is lecsökkent. A meghirdetett pályatételek száma és az akadémiai tehetséggondozás az 1930-as évektől lendült fel ismét.

PublikációNév Nélkül2006322Pages: 94--102

PublikációHigyed István2005311Pages: 26--30

Ez a tanulmány Krassófüzesi Református Egyházközség történetébe nyújt betekintést.

PublikációHigyed István2004304Pages: 189--194

Ez a tanulmány Bégamonostor történetét írja le.