Studia Doctorum Theologiae Protestantis 12.1
Content category
Vass Lehel
› (7--57)
The Textual and Redactional History of Genesis 46:8–27 -- Genesis 46:8–27 lists the names of those who went down along with Jacob to Egypt during the famine in Canaan. However, this passage has some features that inspire to further study. These include seemingly pointless repetitions, tensions within the text and contradictions with other verses in the book of Genesis, which lead us to conclude that the text of the pericope in question has undergone significant changes over time. In this study, we will attempt to deduce possible textual layers and reconstruct the sources used, starting from the canonical text and working backwards in time.
Research article
› Old Testament
› redaction history (composition history), Tóra, Papi forrás, Jákób fiai, nemzetségtáblázat
› Genesis 46.8 - 27
Éles Éva
› (58--74)
Anthropological additions to the parable of the ten virgins Matthew 25:1–13 -- The parable of the ten virgins is generally considered to be as the most ambi-guous parable of Jesus in terms of its origin and meaning. Researchers wonder: can be viewed its context in Matthew’s little apocalypse as the very first interpretation of the early church? Is it a genuine, composite text or more a compilation of traditions at all? While these are relevant questions, this paper pays more attention to its final form. The research attempts to reasess its significance through anthro-pological interpretation. The analysis will address the five main issues of the parable: the relevance of the oil, the human choice, the time of man, the foolishness and cleverness of man, and virginity.
Research article
› New Testament
› példázat, antropológia, eszkatológia
› Matthew 25.1 - 13
Szűcs Bernadett, Papp György
› (77--104)
Valentinus and His Teaching in the Light of Modern Research and Ancient Christian Heresiology -- The first part of this paper contains a summary of the life and teachings of Valentinus written by Bernadett Szűcs, in which the author sketches the most important aspects of this complex topic based on the early Christian primary sources harmonized with the state of the modern research. As an appendix to this introduction, the second part of this paper, written by György Papp contains the first Hungarian translation (accompanied by the original Greek text from the recently published critical edition) of one of the primary sources with a short introduction, to the text: the chapter about Valentinus in the Haereticarum fabularum compendium of Theodoret of Cyrus.
Research article
› Systematic theology, Church history
› tévtanítás, valentiniánusok, gnoszticizmus
Tódor Csaba
› (105--120)
Examining Some Ethical Issues in the Context of War -- One of the main questions of this paper is whether the arguments in defence of war can be coupled with equal concern for the laws of war. While a permissive reading of the classical, theological just war tradition draws a number of conclu-sions that can be debated, this essay has attempted to draw attention to the fact that Augustine's questions of disordered political commitments (loves) are insep-arable from the more familiar questions of “right reason”, “right power” and “right intention”. Augustine’s reading reminds us that political desires still determine not only decisions to enter into armed conflict, but also the application of the inter-national law. On the one hand, politics is a means of influencing the dominant powers, a means of spreading their values, but also a means of holding them to account. It is also the voice of the oppressed and the vulnerable.
Research article
› Systematic theology
› háború, szociáletika, nemzetközi jog