Staff publication

This collection includes the publications of current or former staff of the Protestant Theological Institute, which are available in PDF.

Invocation of biblical authority in a secular decision

The theocratic relevance of the Torda Edict (1568)

It is often argued that the sixteenth-century Reformation initiated a chain of events that ultimately led not only to religious pluralism within the body of the Western Christian Church, but also to the rise and dispersion of mutual acceptance among various religious groups. The fact, however, that these two things (i.e. religious pluralism and tolerance) did not emerge directly and immediately (almost as a matter of course) from the Reformation itself, is similarly undeniable.

The Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ in Early Christian Confessions

In this short paper I would like to provide a comparative analysis of the passages concerning the passion of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Early Christian confessions (among them the Apostolic Creed1 as well), because these passages are frequently the source of theological misunderstanding and debates. The main question which urged me to do this research had occurred in relation with the Apostolic Creed.

The Reasoning Faith of Melanchton as a Humanist

Melanchton is usually considered as both a Humanist and a Reformer. Many of the books and studies written about him present him as a theologian. It is also worthwhile studying the Humanist intellectual components of his personality, since, after all, a great proportion of his works are ones which present him as a deep thinking, through intellectual, writing with sublime eloquence.

Számmisztikai ízelítő Alexandriai Philón munkáiból

Minden kultúrára egyaránt jellemző jelenség, hogy már kezdeti szakaszaikban különös jelentőséget tulajdonítanak a számoknak. Ugyanis a régi idők emberei úgy vélték, hogy a számokra nem csupán a törvényszerűség jellemző, hanem valami misztikus erő is rejlik bennük. A számmisztikát természetszerűen kapcsolták a valláshoz, illetve a mágiához, s bizonyos számokat szentnek tekintettek.