Old Testament

Isaiah’s Prophetic Instruction and the Disciples in Isaiah 8:16

Isa 8:16 is considered a key reference regarding the formation of the book of Isaiah and the role of prophetic disciples in this process. This article argues, however, that originally this verse had a more limited significance. The instruction to which v. 16 refers is to be identified with vv. 12-15 rather than an early ‘book’ of Isaiah. The expression ‘the instructed ones’ (of YHWH rather than the prophet) is applied to the prophet’s audience.

Inverted Fates and Inverted Texts

Rationales of Reinterpretation in the Compositional History of the Isaianic Prophecies, with Special Emphasis on Isaiah 10,16–19 and Its Context

This study argues that Isa 10,16–19, located in the context of the anti-Assyrian prophecy, provides essential clues in understanding the formation of the book of Isaiah. While current research often takes this text as a late redactional composition, it is more reasonable to argue that the pericope was relocated by the editors from a prophecy originally threatening Israel with destruction. This level of meaning is endorsed by the specific metaphors used, as well as arguments from the context, most notably vv. 20–23, which still regard vv. 16–19 as an anti-Israel text.

Habakuk könyvének premasszoretikus szövege nyomában

Ebben a tanulmányban két olyan vitatott szövegrészt vizsgálok meg Habakuk könyvéből (Habakuk 1,5 és 2,5), ahol a Masszoréta Szövegnél korábbi verziók egy, a masszoréta hagyománynál korábbi szövegvariánsba engednek betekintést. Az elemzésben Habakuk könyvének két legrégebbi tanúját hívom segítségül, a Septuagintát és a qumráni Habakuk pešert (illetve elemzem a hasonló irányba mutató szír Pesittát is). Az elemzésre kerülő szövegrészek esetében nagy valószínűséggel nem kései, hanem korai olvasatokról kell beszélnünk.

Historicising Interpolations in the Isaiah-Memoir

In studies on the composition of prophetic literature, the larger textual layers reinterpreting earlier texts, the so-called Fortschreibungen, received much attention. It is well-known that beside these larger literary elaborations prophetic books also contain shorter explanatory interpolations, often called glosses, which intend to clarify a particular imagery of the prophecy (e.g., Isa 9:14). A systematic reading of these short annotations has been neglected, however, in studying the formation of prophetic books. The present article reconsiders the Isaiah-Memoir from this perspective.

Die Stellung einer Theologie der Septuaginta innerhalb der wissenschaftlichen Theologie

In the past decades, research has raised the idea of a theology of the Septuagint (LXX) on various occasions. Important works were recently published on this topic in the Handbuch zur Septuaginta and the Septuagint and Cognate Studies series. The general theological tendencies of the LXX are identified by scholars in eschatology, messianism, anti-anthropomorphism and angelology. These tend to all be regarded as further developments of the theology of the Hebrew Bible (HB).

Az ószövetségi világkép és annak kálvini recepciója

Das alttestamentliche Weltbild und seine Rezeption bei Calvin Die Initialfrage meines Aufsatzes ist die, ob es ein konsistentes, übergreifendes, alttestament-liches Weltbild gibt. C. Houtman hat mit seiner herausragenden Arbeit Der Himmel im AT viel dazu beigetragen, dass man die Mannigfaltigkeit der kosmologischen Konzepte wahrnimmt. Ich versuche im ersten Teil meines Artikels auf die Frage zu antworten,wie man die vielfältigen Auffassungen zu einem gemeinsamen Bild zusammenstellen kann.

Blind People, Blind God

The Composition of Isaiah 29,15–24

This article argues that Isa 29,15-24 is composed of five coherent segments. The early Isaianic word, 29,15+21, was reinterpreted in a new way by an exilic author in 29,16-17+20. The presupposed blindness of Yhwh serving as a motivation for an ungodly life by those addressed in 29,15, is reconsidered as the ideology of desperate people who deem the blindness of Yhwh explains the present desolate condition of Jerusalem. The former injustice in Isaiah's society (29,21) is reinterpreted as the injustice of the foreign tyrant against the people of Yhwh.

Dán 12: Feltámadás

Forradalmi gondolat vagy „csak” üdvígéret?

A tanulmány a Dániel könyvében fellelhető feltámadás gondolatát teszi vizsgálat tárgyává. Az Ószövetség-tudományban általánosan elterjedt az a vélemény, mely szerint a személyes feltámadás gondolata először a Dániel könyvének apokaliptikus szakaszában jelenik meg. A konszenzus szerint tehát Dániel könyve Izrael túlvilághitének gyökeres változásáról tanúskodik.

DAVID J. FULLER, A Discourse Analysis of Habakkuk

The erudition, precision and commitment guiding this study is admirable. Nonetheless, while linguistic analysis may entice the reader with the promise of a higher degree of objectivity, preconceptions regarding the base text, its structuring, the construction of reading, and the interpretation of linguistic data involve a fair amount of subjective and debatable factors that confine Systemic Functional Linguistics within the methods to be tamed by responsible scholarship.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jss/fgab006