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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results.
SzakdolgozatGáti Gábor2023Pages: 58Supervisor: Visky Sándor Béla, Papp György

In this research, I have explored the theme of the immortality of the soul in the light of Plato's and Calvin's view of the soul. The work is divided into two major parts: in the first part, I examined Plato's and Calvin's view of the soul and the immortality of the soul, and in the second part, I compared the results of the first part. In the course of this research, I have discovered the similarities and differences in the details of the two conceptions. Eight units of thought were identified for the comparison and within these units, different themes were compared between the two conceptions. In the last point, one of the main questions of the topic was answered, namely whether the soul is immortal or impermanent. Although Plato and Calvin had different points of view, in the end the two concepts were the same: the soul is immortal.

SzakdolgozatKiss Dávid2023Pages: 48Supervisor: Visky Sándor Béla, Horváth Levente

If we are commanded to remember the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments, why do we go to worship on Sunday? In my paper, I am seeking possible answers to this question. At the beginning of my research, I outline the position of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In the following sections, I aim to present a biblical alternative to this position. I argue that the Sabbath institution was not known to the Jewish people before their wilderness wanderings. But here it becomes the sign of the Mosaic covenant. Since the covenant was made with the Jews, the Lord does not require foreign nations to observe the Sabbath. But God promises to make a new covenant that will not only apply to the Jews. This has been realised in Jesus Christ. He is the one to whom the Sabbath points. In light of this, we cannot cling to the shadow when the light of the world has come among us.

PublikációBak Áron20181116Pages: 587--606

Az ótestamentumi történetek közül Ábrahám áldozata az egyik legismertebb elbeszélés. Az elbeszélés tulajdonképpeni témája a hit próbája. A próbát jelentő gyermekáldozat kérdése nemcsak a kananeita eredetű judaista hagyományban található meg, hanem a görög mitológiában is. A Trója ellen hadra kelt görög sereg nem tud elindulni a szélcsend miatt. Előbb ki kell engesztelniük Artemisz istennőt Iphigeneiának, Agamemnon fővezér lányának feláldozásával. Az apának gyötrődései ellenére is meg kell hoznia ezt az áldozatot a cél érdekében, de a szörnyűség végül mégsem történik meg, mert Artemisz kicseréli a leányt egy szarvassal.

SzakdolgozatMátis Szidónia2019Pages: 52Supervisor: Kállay Dezső