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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results.
SzakdolgozatKarácsonyi József-Lehel2023Pages: 72Supervisor: Czire Szabolcs

The thesis highlights the complex role of the masses in the New Testament. The synoptic tradition, namely Matthew, Mark, and Luke, depict the masses differently. Matthew is more sympathetic, while Luke maintains distance, portraying Jesus as a friend to the poor and oppressed. The analysis of three Greek words, all translated as 'masses' in English: 'πολλοί', 'λαός', and 'ὄχλος', is particularly important. 'πολλοί' is a general term for any large group, not just people. Luke uses it most frequently, while Matthew does not use it at all, indicating that for Matthew, people mean more than just numbers. 'λαός' in the Septuagint usually refers to the nation of Israel. Matthew, with a Hebrew mindset, uses 'λαός' in this sense, and does not equate it with 'ὄχλος', which means an anonymous crowd. The author points out that Matthew carefully chose his words, and this difference is especially important in Matthew 27,25, where the people take responsibility for Jesus' blood.

SzakdolgozatSzilágyi Alpár2023Pages: 54Supervisor: Koppándi Botond Péter

Humanity is constantly evolving, which exerts a powerful impact on religion and the church as well. The postmodern era, which spread from the second half of the 20th century, presents a new direction that the church must respond to. The research examines how the gospel can be effectively conveyed in the postmodern world, with special consideration for the relationship between youth and the church, as well as the resulting challenges and opportunities. Based on my university studies and experiences, my viewpoint is that postmodern thinking essentially questions traditional values and systems. It emphasizes diversity, relativism, and subjectivism. This new approach shapes people's worldviews and influences their everyday decisions. The central premise of the paper is that the church has long functioned as a proponent of absolute truth and universal values.

SzakdolgozatSzabó Zoárd Attila2023Pages: 57Supervisor: Buzogány Dezső

The research titled "Protocols of Five Congregations of the Maros Reformed Diocese from 1687: Nyárádselye, Berekeresztúr, Nyárádszentimre, Nyárádszereda, Nyárádszentanna" examines the year 1687 and the Maros Reformed Diocese. The study aims to uncover and analyze the surveys conducted in these mentioned five congregations, which are associated with the specific time period. The research provides a comprehensive overview of the congregations' history, their life within the Reformed Church, and the collected data. Through the analysis and interpretation of primary sources, insights can be gained into the daily lives of the congregations, religious practices, and other characteristics of religious life during this period. The findings of the thesis contribute to the historical and religious research of the Maros Reformed Diocese, helping to understand the characteristics and challenges of the 17th-century Reformed communities in Transylvania.

SzakdolgozatBalázs Gergő2023Pages: 62Supervisor: Visky Sándor Béla, Horváth Levente

The aim of this thesis is to examine the extent to which the elusive postmodern zeitgeist influences ordinary people's faith in God, their relationship to the church, and the congregational demands of the Christian church. It also seeks to answer how far the teachings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the influential theologian who was martyred during World War II, can respond to these congregational needs. The topicality of the paper lies in its aim to provide a systematic theological framework for Reformed congregational pastors and members, with the aim of providing them with a theoretical basis for confronting postmodern problems. One such problem may be the scepticism and relativism that is characteristic of postmodernism and that is present in the life of the average church member today. A further challenge for the church may be the change in postmodern language and the isolation of individuals from one another.

SzakdolgozatFodor Éva Annamária2020Pages: 52Supervisor: Kállay Dezső

Ebben a dolgozatban Fil 2,6–11 Krisztus-himnusz etikai vonatkozásait vizsgálom a közvetlen szövegkörnyezet összefüggésében. Mivel a himnusz Krisztus útját foglalja össze a preegzisztenciától a kereszten való teljes megaláztatásig, majd a mindenek fölé való felmagasztaltatásig, az újszövetségi tudományt mind a mai napig intenzíven foglalkoztatja a következő kérdés: vajon Pál valóban példaként állított a gyülekezet elé Krisztust, és ha igen, milyen értelemben? Vagy másképpen kell értelmeznünk a himnusz és a közvetlen szövegkörnyezet kapcsolatát? A dolgozatban amellett érvelek, hogy a himnusznak konkrét etikai vonatkozási vannak. Az etikai értelmezési vonalat követve megállapítom, hogy a felvezető vers Krisztus indulatára, akaratára utal, s ebben az értelemben valóban példaként állítja a gyülekezet elé Krisztus magatartását: alázatát és engedelmességét. Végül a szövegkörnyezet és a himnusz közvetlen kapcsolódására irányítom ismét a figyelmet.