The aim of this thesis is to examine the extent to which the elusive postmodern zeitgeist influences ordinary people's faith in God, their relationship to the church, and the congregational demands of the Christian church. It also seeks to answer how far the teachings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the influential theologian who was martyred during World War II, can respond to these congregational needs. The topicality of the paper lies in its aim to provide a systematic theological framework for Reformed congregational pastors and members, with the aim of providing them with a theoretical basis for confronting postmodern problems. One such problem may be the scepticism and relativism that is characteristic of postmodernism and that is present in the life of the average church member today. A further challenge for the church may be the change in postmodern language and the isolation of individuals from one another. After highlighting and sketching some of these issues, the paper will attempt to relate them to the main elements of Bonhoeffer's ecclesiology and to examine to what extent they can be used in the church today.
Bonhoeffer egyháztana a posztmodern gyülekezeti igények tükrében
Tartalmi besorolás
Szakdolgozat típusa: MA Szakdolgozat
Szakterület: Rendszeres teológia
Kulcsszavak: posztmodern, egyháztan
Emberek: Dietrich Bonhoffer