Az erdélyi református elit nemzeti eszmetörténete az 1920 és 1944 közötti kiadványokban


After the First World War, the Hungarians in Transylvania were faced with a new situation. However, in spite of the initial difficulties and challenges, the change of the external empire and the change of the internal empire became inevitable. The passivity of the early years was gradually replaced in the 1920s by active politicking, self-determination and path- finding. The churches, and in Transylvania in particular the Transylvanian Reformed Church and its leading leaders and thinkers, played a significant role in this search for a new way forward. As Dezső László put it, “In the nation we find the fullest and most organic unity of quantity and quality, of matter and soul, of state and church”. In the years between the two world wars and during the Second World War, many articles were written about the ideas, thoughts and insights of church leaders, intellectuals, pastors, bishops and theological teachers whose names and theological work are well-known, but whose view of the nation is less so. The aim of this study was to present an accurate account of the national outlook of contemporary Reformed intellectuals through publications published between 1920 and 1944, all within an ideological, ecclesiastical and chronological framework.