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Publication type: IndexSubject area: Varia
PublicationÉles Éva2024

Publication type: InterviewSubject area: VariaKeywords: életmű, életmű, lelkészi életpályaPeople: Kállay Dezső
PublicationKovács Sándor2024

Through an exploration of the editions of the hymnal published in 1924 by Márton Pálffi, this study provides insight into the reverence for tradition surrounding the hymnal, as well as the arduous but unsuccessful efforts made by those aiming to rejuvenate it. Politics often encroached upon the life of the Church, evident in the evolution of the hymnal. The changes of political power and country borders, as well as the imposition of communist censorship, have also significantly influenced the Unitarian hymnal. Despite all efforts, errors persisted in editions published post-1989.

Publication type: Research articleSubject area: Church historyKeywords: erdélyi unitárius egyház, énekeskönyv, unitárius énekeskönyvekPeople: Pálffi Márton
PublicationKolumbán Vilmos József2024

The text above is the Regulations of the Reformed College Teachers drawn up in 1786 by the board of the College of Kolozsvár (Cluj). The 1780s heralded the era of educational reform, marked by the Habsburg Empire’s ruler mandating a centralisation of the educational system. In response, the Reformed Church of Transylvania embarked on an extensive overhaul of its collegiate structure and public education. These regulations were distinctive, echoing the spiritual heritage bequeathed by nobility and monarchs.

Publication type: Research articleSubject area: Church historyKeywords: erdélyi református egyház, Kolozsvári Református Kollégium, egyház és iskola, felvilágosodás, oktatástörténet, Habsburg Birodalom
PublicationŐsz Sándor Előd2024

Works of Protestant reformers in the collections of the Lutheran High School in Mediaș. Since 2018, our research has been conducted in the historical libraries of Transylvania, focusing on the works of fifteen Western European Protestant theologians, known as reformers, who were active in the 16th century. At the Lutheran Gymnasium library in Mediaș, we discovered 58 theological texts by these authors. This number is representative of the average size of the collections we have examined.

Publication type: Research articleSubject area: Church historyKeywords: könyvtörténet, olvasmánytörténet, erdélyi református egyház, erdélyi evangélikus-lutheránus egyház, Medgyesi Evangélikus Gimnázium
PublicationRezi Elek2024

Moral evaluation of the goals and action of today’s climate protection groups. This study traces the evolution of contemporary climate protection movements, delineating their objectives and methodologies. Through a moral lens, I scrutinise the alignment between their ends and the means employed. The concluding remarks acknowledge the commendable aspirations of these collectives towards global climate preservation. However, it is highlighted that the tactics they resort to often veer towards counterproductive outcomes.

Publication type: Research articleSubject area: Systematic theologyKeywords: ökológia, környezetvédelem, erőszak, társadalmi mozgalmak
PublicationTallon Jonathan2024

John Chrysostom uses military metaphors from Romans to help believers un-derstand their relationship with God and engage in spiritual warfare. He compares circumcision and baptism to expand their meaning. By likening body parts to weapons, he teaches that individuals choose whether to serve truth or sin. In this analogy, God is the commander, and believers are soldiers fighting sin, stressing obedience and trust. Chrysostom urges obedience to God akin to soldiers obeying their leader, connecting it with faith-based trust.

Publication type: Research articleSubject area: Systematic theologyKeywords: baptizmus, engedelmesség, militáns keresztyénségPeople: Khrüszosztomosz (Aranyszájú Szent János)
PublicationJuhász Tamás2024

Do Christians need to be socialists? Karl Barth and socialism. In this article, the author deals with a “shadow side” of the life and work of Karl Barth. From the perspective of many Eastern and Central European people who have experienced “real” socialism, the right to ask the question posed in the title is evident. It examines under what influences Karl Barth’s inclination towards social democracy and socialism arose. Three circumstances are mentioned: 1. The traditional Swiss solidarity and social sensitivity for the cause of the weak and oppressed.

Publication type: Research articleSubject area: Systematic theologyKeywords: szocializmus, kommunizmus, egyház és kommunizmusPeople: Karl Barth
PublicationHorváth Levente2024

The anthropological challenges and perspectives. of the missionary image of man, in particular on the pastoral vocation. In this study, we scrutinize whether the revolutionary changes in mission theology suggested by David Bosch three decades ago have indeed taken root in the distinct context of Transylvania, through a blend of theological and philosophical discourse. Simultaneously, we endeavor to make sense of the rapid transformation occurring globally and within our own borders, interpreting it through contemporary anthropological theory and aligning it with missiological insights.

Publication type: Research articleSubject area: Systematic theologyKeywords: antropológia, missziológia, humanizmus, transzilvanizmus, pneümatológia
PublicationFüsti-Molnár Szilveszter2024

The paper discusses the challenges of Christian identity in a (post)modern context in relation to fundamental elements of theology. It explores the role of doctrines in the life of the church, emphasising their importance in relation to worship and the authority of the Word of God. The paper highlights the importance of corporate identity as Christian and Reformed, emphasising the significance of cultural identity in the context of Christianity. It addresses the question of what makes the church and the conditions of being a church, reflecting on the essence of Christianity.

Publication type: Research articleSubject area: Systematic theologyKeywords: identitás, identititásvesztés, vallásosság, hitvallásosság, népi vallásosság, ekkléziológia, krisztológia, posztmodern