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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 results.
PublicationPostma Ferenc2021Pages: 611--636

Wie die Hinterseite des Einbandes zeigt, hatte Köpeczi sein Stammbuch be-reits im Jahre 1771 angelegt, also während seiner Studienzeit an der friesischen Universität in Franeker, wo er am 18. Oktober 1770 als Student der Theologie ein-geschrieben worden war. Franeker war von Anfang an auch sein Reiseziel gewesen, als er im August 1770 seine Peregrinatio academica – vom siebenbürgi-schen Nagyenyed aus – angefangen hatte.

PublicationLészai Lehel2021Pages: 510--517

The “Why?” question emerges inevitably whenever a tragedy or trauma happens in our human lives. The case was hardly different in prehistoric times, in the Old Testament, or in Jesus’s era. It is an intriguing question therefore what Jesus’ attitude and approach would have been to such unexpected disasters.

PublicationGeréb Zsolt2021Pages: 266--274

The present study deals with the characteristic features of the ministry of teachers in the early church, contrasting them with the rabbis in the synagogues. As charismatic characters in the early church, teachers have played a role compa-rable to that of the apostles and prophets. In a different order of ideas, we would like to investigate whether the competence of charismatic teachers should be considered universal, or whether they played a rather local administrative role in the way bishops, deacons and presbyters did. At the same time, we shall analyse the content of their teaching aiming to define the place of teachers within the early church. We shall conclude with remarks concerning the development of the teachers’ status in the post-Pauline period.

PublicationPapp György2021Pages: 175--180

PublicationPapp György2021Pages: 161--173

The paper presents some aspects of the theological science which I considered important for the permanent renewal of doing theology in the Hungarian Reformed Church of Transylvania. I hope I made it clear through this paper that doing theology means also the shaping of a new life (both of the one doing theology and their readers), which is conceived and developing in the safety of the living-space of the New Covenant through Jesus, i.e., the Kingdom of God, which came near us. This new life, i.e., the “Kingdom-membership” implies also new understanding: a new understanding not only of the whole life but of the interpretation or definition of the essence of theological science as well.

PublicationPapp György2021Pages: 146--158

Theis paper analyses the concept of “imago Dei” based on the 6th answer of the Heidelberg Catechism. I chose this topic as it is one of the most controversial questions of systematic theology. If one browses through the dogmatic and ethical works written from the earliest period of Christianity to the most recent times, they will find a large variety of answers. All of these attempt to explain what the writer of Genesis meant by the expression na‘aśęh ’ ādām beṣalmenu kidemutenu. The Heidelberg Catechism deals with this topic in the 6th answer where the authors attested that God did not create the first human being godless and malicious. After stating that as a matter of fact, God created man according to his own image and likeness, the Catechism explains the term imago Dei in a twofold way: first, it seeks to define the inner content of the image and similitude of God, and secondly it expands upon the purpose of man given by God as the image of his creator within the creation.

PublicationPapp György2021Pages: 119--145

This paper presents the doctrine on baptism in the Haereticarum fabularum compendium of Theodoret of Cyrus. From this presentation we learn that Theodoret presents in this work a multi-contextual image of the “all-holy” baptism. The divine origin of the sacrament determined Theodoret to offer it a special place within his theological system. This special place is expressed through the setting of the chapter concerning baptism as well: it is put between the soteriological Christology and the chapters concerning Theodoret’s eschatology, the latter being an introduction to the ethical chapters.

PublicationPapp György2021Pages: 99--118

This paper is an expanded and somewhat more elaborated version of an earlier study in which I tried to give a general overview on the word-usage concerning the passion of Jesus Christ in the early Christian creeds. The purpose of this short paper is in part to give a comparative presentation of the sufferings of Lord Jesus Christ in the Western Creeds, and in part I also try to define the role of mentioning the name of Pontius Pilatus in them.

PublicationPapp György2021Pages: 7--97

This paper was my MA thesis, and its topic is the reception of the teaching of the Church Fathers concerning the baptism in the 1559 edition of John Calvin’s Institutes. In this thesis, I try to unfold some of the factors that determined the way Calvin used the writings of the Church Fathers in formulating his doctrine of baptism. After presenting the patristic quotations related to the ‘theoretical’ theology of baptism, I will present the quotations and references that are related rather to the practice of baptism. Here I analyse the references regarding the doctrine of baptism coming from the Donatists, the problematic of emergency baptism and women’s right to baptize. Finally, I will present the references from Inst IV 16, dealing with infant baptism. In the last chapter of this study, I will try to summarize the conclusions of the research. I hope the reader will have a clearer image on Calvin’s use of the Church Fathers’ theological heritage on baptism in the Institutes.

PublicationKató Szabolcs Ferencz2021771Pages: 1--7

Weather imagery plays a major role in Hosea. Hosea 2 recalls the image of an unfaithful wife; Hosea 4:2–3 describes the withering of the land; in 6:3; 10:12; 14:6, the several types of precipitation draw attention to the utterance of YHWH or the requested righteousness; in 9:10.13.16; 10:1; 13:5; 14:6.8, Israel is symbolised by different plants that blossom and wither, depending on their relation to Yhwh. In all of these instances, weather phenomena contribute to these images. In this article, I try to catalogue and evaluate the metaphors and concepts to look at how meteorological images convey theological and historical messages, and vice versa how historical events or sociological procedures demonstrate their consequences in nature, especially in the weather. It seems that weather imagery is used to describe the consequences of idolatry, injustice and false politics.

PublicationKató Szabolcs Ferencz2021Pages: 115--129

Isa 7:14 is one of the most enigmatic texts of the Old Testament in which the traditional Christian exegesis has found the roots of the dogma of the virgin birth. It remains a question though whether this text indeed focuses on the female figure rathern than the son to be born. Following a brief survey of the recent state of research, in this article I address the question of the possible historical background of the text. Recent semantical investigations of the term עַלְמָה, often translated as ‘virgin’, show that neither עַלְמָה nor its synonym בְּתוּלָה imply any information about the eventual sexual experience of the named person. Both terms denote a young, unmarried woman. Regarding the identity of this woman there are four main theories: 1. the woman and his son are late eschatological figures conveying messianic messages; 2. the woman is the daughter of Zion and Immanuel is the people of Jerusalem. 3.

PublicationBalogh Csaba2021662Pages: 31--34

The erudition, precision and commitment guiding this study is admirable. Nonetheless, while linguistic analysis may entice the reader with the promise of a higher degree of objectivity, preconceptions regarding the base text, its structuring, the construction of reading, and the interpretation of linguistic data involve a fair amount of subjective and debatable factors that confine Systemic Functional Linguistics within the methods to be tamed by responsible scholarship.

PublicationLiteráty Zoltán20211146Pages: 607--615

Ötven éve megjelent egy rövid homiletikai könyvecske, ami mérföldkőnek bizonyult a homiletika történetében. Címe: Mint aki hatalom nélkül, szerzője pedig Fred B. Craddock. Fél évszázad elegendő távolság ahhoz, hogy értékelni tudjam azt a homiletikai koncepciót, ami a narratív paradigma alapján épült. fel. Ez az értékelés természetesen magyar kontextusból nézve készül, ahol a narratív prédikáció mindig is csak egy messziről jött vendégnek bizonyult az elmúlt ötven évben.