In the Direction of Finding the Way of a Responsible Theology for the Hungarian Reformed Church (of Transylvania)


The paper presents some aspects of the theological science which I considered important for the permanent renewal of doing theology in the Hungarian Reformed Church of Transylvania. I hope I made it clear through this paper that doing theology means also the shaping of a new life (both of the one doing theology and their readers), which is conceived and developing in the safety of the living-space of the New Covenant through Jesus, i.e., the Kingdom of God, which came near us. This new life, i.e., the “Kingdom-membership” implies also new understanding: a new understanding not only of the whole life but of the interpretation or definition of the essence of theological science as well.

Papp György: In the Direction of Finding the Way of a Responsible Theology for the Hungarian Reformed Church (of Transylvania). In: Papp György (ed.): In aetatum confiniis. A Dialogue between Early, Early Modern and Contemporary Church on Various Topics of Christian Doctrine. (2021), 161--173